ADD/ADHD meds in Taiwan

NHI covered mine every time. I just had to pay about 400nt for the doctor visit and medication once a month. I don’t take methylphenidate now because it gives me stomach issues and interferes with bodybuilding(eating enough). Next time I cut I’ll probably take 60mg IR post day to control my appetite.

There will be a seminar about pediatrics diseases focusing on [color=#FF0000]
and [color=#FF0000]
atopic dermatitis
at National Defense Medical Center Tri-Service General Hospital in Neihu, Taipei in [color=#0000FF]
April 12th, 2015
[/color]. The seminar is held by 台灣中醫病理學醫學會 (Taiwan society of TCM pathology). For each topic, we invite experts in these field including modern medicine doctors as well as TCM doctors to deliver speeches. This seminar will be conducted in Mandarin.

The agenda are in this link:

You’re more than welcome to come join us.
Thank you!

what about Xanax or Valiumes? can i get this at any pharmacy? how hard is it to get their?

Are ADHD MEDS common with university students?

I wonder if people can just walk into any doctor or a doctor that they know and get a prescription?

It’s not available. Amphetamines are banned here in Taiwan, but Ritalin is easily available in every psychiatric clinic. It also costs nearly nothing.

If you are willing to put some work in and fake your chosen country’s doctor’s report. Diagnose yourself with narcolepsy, you will also have access to Modafinil.
Unlike Ritalin, modafinil is available only in few of the biggest hospitals and it costs quite a bit more per pill since you won’t be able to fake your sleep latency test and therefore you have to pay the full price without NHS coverage.

How do I know all this? Because I have both of those medications legally prescribed. Ritalin was super easy while Modafinil was a bit of a headache. Both are indeed available.

Adderall… sadly not yet available in Taiwan… disappointing but true…

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I called to ask if there was adderall in Shanghai pharmacy. The answer they gave me was that there was no this drug. I was asked on June 11th, 2020. Can I only ask that person named Nina? Or can anyone else? May I ask you How do I get this medicine in Taiwan now? I really need it

You would have to see a doctor, it’s a controlled substance.

Don’t we already have 4 or 5 more recent ADD/ADHD med threads?

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Hello, I am also in need of a resupply of Ritalin. I have been diagnosed in my home country and have had the medication for +10 years. I am here in Taiwan on tourist visa.

I have been reading through previous threads but it is almost exclusively a debate about everything except on where and how I can get hold of Ritalin. Please stay on-topic.

Can someone please recommend the fastest way (a specific address to a hospital or clinic) to get a resupply here in Taiwan when you already have a doctor’s certificate? Thank you.

Please let me know if you find a way to get hold of Ritalin. I am also in urgent need.

I used to think I was in “urgent need” of adderall and ritalin. And then I stopped and realized I was addicted and it was a crutch. And I could function and do my job and everything else without it.


You can get altruism in a psychiatric clinic in Taiwan. You can prescribe medicine just by telling your doctor about the symptoms of ADD AHDH. I really hope that altruism can be a prescription-free medicine in Taiwan. It’s a bit troublesome for Taiwanese people to be stupid. Envy America

The job I am doing is highly competitive and must maintain a very high degree of concentration every minute and every second without any mistakes so I have to take 60 mg of Ritalin every day and two cups of coffee over 18 grams when you do the job Time is up to 2000 hours or more and the content remains the same. It will be difficult for you to stay interested in your work. What I feel is that the pressure is boring. I must keep myself interested in my work because the top people are all use adderall.

I use 60 mg of Ritalin every day and two 18 mg cups of coffee and I don’t feel any discomfort, only very slight anorexia symptoms and some weight loss, but this does not affect my health and normal life

Holy shit. That is a lot. Are you in banking or something? Excel all day and 1 number fuck up screws up your day kind of thing.

In fact, not much 60 mg is used in stages, not the financial industry

How do you sleep at night? I’m guessing you take downers if you’re wired like that all day. 60mg is the max most doctors will give to anyone a day.

It will affect the sleep time, but my sleep time is more flexible, so it does not matter

Best of luck to you, I’m not judging. I used to take something like that and it did get me going. I just don’t find it sustainable, and it make me miserable at anything else but work. I lost maybe 30lbs because I can’t eat at all.

At most, I will only have a low mood