Adventures of a two wheels knight in Taiwan

I start this personal thread today, after having thought of it for a while. After more than 6 years riding motorcycles in Taiwan, I think I have something to say about Taiwan roads, motorcycles, traffic and related stuff.

I call myself “knight” because… it sounds more epic. And I have done some epic rides in Taiwan, and what the heck, to ride in Taiwan is an epic battle. But mainly because it sounds good and it’s silly enough.

All the stories I will relate here will be 100% true. Maybe with some style licenses, but true anyway.

Chapter I

I have three bills on my desk now. I tried to paid two of them yesterday, but one was overdue. It doesn’t matter, because I wanted to appeal it along with the third one anyway. I think this year I have averaged 1.5 fines per month… it’s time for a salary raise.

You mean epic as in…Don Quixote?

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I could get offended by your insinuations about my mental health or I could keep reading the cavalry book I have in my hands now.

:carousel_horse: :carousel_horse: :carousel_horse: :carousel_horse: :carousel_horse:

Excellent. Either of those choices could lead to interesting plot developments.

That’s some epic chapter 1. What’s going to happen next?

I bet Cervantes got that a lot too. :sunglasses:

And Cervantes needed some time to write his books. Give me time and hopefully some funding and I will make this the best thread in Not Temp Forumosa.

Top the details to my cycling routes thread and every time we meet, first beer is on me.

We’ll find a third party that has no interest in cycling or motorcycles to judge.



Does this disinterested third party also get beer?


I just laugh loudly at the office… great. Now they know that my job is fun…

EDIT: I would love to give 1,000 likes to that image!

Input command incorrect. Language used too fancy or misspelled. Please check the entry in the manual for “top” command version v0.9.beta.

Chapter II

Today I went to the Motor Vehicles Office in BaDe lu. It’s a stupidly designed complex of buildings for the citizens to pass their vehicles inspections and to pay the hundreds of bills that normal, good citizens like you and me have to pay every week.

I had one goal today: to appeal two unfair bills that seemed to be overdued. Life in Taiwan is complicated, so you don’t always have time for paying all the tickets you receive; they only give you a few months, and I don’t even know the exact number, hence the situation.

So I went down there by GuangFu lu, right turn before the road with the fas station, and then left turn right into the stupid buildings.

A policeman comes up to me. He speaks angrily in the language of Mordor, so I take off the ear plugs and ask him for more clear instructions “EEEEEEHHHH?”. I’m becoming deaf and it’s a burden I want to share with people I know just briefly.

The policeman keeps going on some strange concatenation of exotic sounds, opening the eyes, mouth and hands in desperation. Long story short: apparently that was the exit and the entrance was in the opposite side of the complex. I pretend I didn’t know, thank him a lot for the revelation, and make my way to fight for my money.

First battle lost. I passed the inspection of motorcycle num. two ONE fucking day late. Bill is 900 NT.

Second battle still ongoing: an asshole took a picture of me, my ex and my motorcycle located just over the double yellow lines and beside the scooter box, a generosity gesture of mine for letting scooters occupy the… scooter box. The reason I used for justifying this slightly outside the law behaviour was that there was a car rushing scooters and motorcycles, pushing us into the scooter box. Me, being a nice guy, didn’t want to take that space for myself because I was aware that it was reserved for scooters.
The old lady who attended me tried to trick me into sending an email to them instead of appealing with the paper form they have. “It’s slower, no decision today!” - “Yeah, but I don’t want to pay and if I send an email I can’t make sure it will even be opened, you cow”.

Some people say that it is not possible to appeal a traffic fine and win in Taiwan. Well, you know what, my friends? It is possible, I have done it, and I hope it won’t be the last time.

Third chapter coming up soon.

Chapter III

William S. Burroughs, James Joyce, Lezama and many other historic wankers of the literature wrote things that didn’t follow any order or human logic and they got away with it very well. Still nowadays numerous people quote them or talk about this and that other book from them when they want to bed someone, pretending to be so intellectual. Yuk. If they were allowed to do that (and they are even well regarded because of it), I guess I can jump a bit back in time and nobody is going to complain, right?

So I was riding my motorcycle in Taipei city (I mean what you would call Taipei proper, where the “nice” buildings can be found, scattered among the shitty concrete, dirty toilet looking ones), and I was complaining about traffic and Taiwanese driving manners to my passenger. “They are animals”, “look at that reckless idiot”, “Taiwanese can’t ride”. Then there was this guy who pissed me off more than the rest. I could attempt to give a description based on my very blurry and inaccurate memory, but I will just say that he was the typical Betle nut chewer, and that’s all what you need for having an effective yet abstract image of the guy. Ok, I will say he was fat, gross, wearing some crappy clothes (crappier than mine), and there was a really crappy egg shell style helmet on the top of his stupid head.

The guy was dribbling the traffic like an idiot, not just because he was doing it but because he was passing so close to other vehicles, and cutting others’ way. My level of anger was raising, I was truly hating him. For some reason to take a Taiwanese passenger on my bike has that effect on me: even more rage against Taiwanse drivers and riders.

I know that I have lost half of my readers by now, so I will try to keep it short. The idiot was what I call a traffic light racer. He opens throttle, wide open, a second before the traffic light turns green, accelerates in a way that he will need to replace his engine soon (or perhaps steal another scooter), and that only to have to stop a few seconds later because the next traffic light is red… as he could have known if he were paying any attention at all.

So we are in this traffic light. He opens gas, releasing some dark smoke and passing too close to the vehicles around, I open gas a bit later too, and ride a bit fast but not too much. He adopts a super aerodynamic posture, which consists in putting his neck in parallel to the ground, opening the legs like if he were receiving a blow job, and popping out his tongue in one side of the mouth. He’s fast! I’m a bit behind him, in another lane. Then it happens. His shitty helmet flies away, and I start to laugh as loud as I can, so that he can hear me for sure “AAAAAH HAAAAA HAAAA HAAAA HAAAAAAA”. I even point at him and laugh like a possessed retarded “AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH IDIOOOOOOOOOT”.

Then a red light.

Then I think of an angry fat betle nut chewer punching me with his red mouth full open while swearing in some dialect of the language of Mordor.

I jump the red doing a right turn and come up with a combination of U turns and apologize to my passenger for being an idiot.

I feel like I should reevaluate my “How was your ride” posts. Sometimes I feel like I go on for too long and don’t get to the point too.

He totally deserves it.

Nice! I bet your writing is even more colorful in Spanish. Should we assume this is a rough draft of your first novel?


I thik I should polish a bit the grammar of that paragraph… give me a sec :smiley:

Getting a reply from the Cow Doctor is something my blog posts haven’t received yet.

Jesus takes the lead!

Hahaha, beer come to me!