Another big nose busted for growing weed

Soupless sermons, I call 'em.

I don’t know if the Baptists still do this, but in the old days, if they was gonna preach at you, they would provide chow. For example, at the Baptist Mission in New Orleans, they used to make (us) out-of-doors types listen to a sermon. But in exchange, they’d provide chow of some kind. At my university, one of the English teachers, who happened to be a Baptist preacher, invited me to a service there on campus, but he added that the sermon would include chili mac. They did serve chili mac, and it was good. I guess they took Bob Dylan’s “Gotta Serve Somebody” literally.

It got so I couldn’t stand a sermon without some kind of chow provision–maybe not chili mac, but at least some soup, or grits and gravy, or something.