Any experiences dating a Taiwanese flight attendant?

What did you like the most?

I dated one many, many years ago. We only went out twice before I returned to the US. She was very sweet, I remember. But that was about it.

I liked it most when the female flight attendants like me, less when the male flight attendants like me.


wasn’t the OP just dating a KTV girl?

My ex-gf was going to be one, if that counts. She got run over by a taxi just before starting training. She was gutted (I mean, not literally - she only had a broken clavicle, but it meant she couldn’t take the job).

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Yep. She was lovely, smart, and knew what she wanted in life. She came from a tough background and was looking for more. It was obvious after a few dates that we were on different paths, and we both moved on, without acrimony on either side.

By the way, she hasn’t been a stewardess for probably 15 years. And quite frankly, she has more than likely forgotten about me.

Why do you ask?

Must be difficult dating a flight attendant. Then again, there are some obvious perks.

i had a gf who became a cx attendant after i taught her more english and how to swim.

it is tuff having a gf who is away 24 days out of the month. And i alway had her schedule so i would know where she was . Flying all over the world she was.

i “had” to have substitute GFs while the main drag was away (which was all the time).

eventually after many years we grew apart. And she married someone she met in First Class (good for her).

Dating a stew has lots of anxieties. And your relationship will not improve while shes away most of the time, day in , day out.

And you will need some sub girlfriends, who will all hate you too, because who wants to be a sub?

Eventually all of them, including your main drag will hate you.

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I dated a flight attendant once. She had a smokin’ hot bod, but an annoying chirpy personality, so it didn’t last very long. Not that she was a bad person. She ended up going back to school with the money she made flight attending, and became a teacher at her alma mater.

Free peanuts!

I once had one China Airlines FA who slipped me her LINE ID after we had a great chat when I was flying from America to Taiwan. This was 1 year ago though.

yes, although she became one after we split up. but it still gave me an insight into that world, and rightly put me off it.

for a start they are not going to be around much, as tommy has pointed out. this would make it not worth it for me. its like a part time gf or something.

its a decently paid job (for taiwan) and quite sought after, although i don’t know why, i couldn’t think of anything i would rather do less. so a lot of the girls doing it are well up their own arse. they even get popular on instagram, showing off their seemingly flash lifestyles of constant visits to different citys around the world and posing with their crew ect. lots of showing off. a lot of them want to date the rich pilots too. personally i wouldn’t bother, although its true some are pretty freaking hot.

Flight attendants are like nurses. When you’re stuck in a confine space for long hours any woman starts to look like a beauty model. I usually try to fly Lufthansa. Then I can concentrate on the in-flight movie.Stay away from Cathay and Air Malaysia.

I recommend you try aeroflot, or British Airways, unless of course necrophilia is your cup of tea, aeroflot on the other hand look like the Russian weight lifting team.

its a decently paid job (for taiwan) and quite sought after, although i don’t know why, i couldn’t think of anything i would rather do less.

I find it quite sad that many girls in Asian countries don’t aspire to high-powered jobs like doctors, lawyers, etc. To be blunt, a FA is a unskilled job. It’s essentially a combination of being a waitress, a first aid attendant, and a person who checks everything is fine (security guard). This unwittingly serves the perpetrate and reinforce the stereotype of a submissive, subservient Asian lady

a lot of them want to date the rich pilots too.

Yeah I notice quite a bit of them are in it for the vanity and hope to meet a rich guy flying first class or business class. Never mind that most rich people actually end up marrying their fellow kind. A FA I know proudly shows off her YSL handbag that she bought at YSL Vancouver.

Well, women everywhere don’t. We had this conversation in another thread: women know that sooner or later they’ll end up with kids, and having a high-powered job means you don’t get to see them much. Men are more likely to accept that compromise. Anyway, women and men do tend to gravitate more to certain jobs and less to others - not for the kids reason, just personal preferences. Nothing to do with being “Asian”, IMO.

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Anyway I guess it was just the way things worked out for me. I never went out with that FA, but instead I have a hot nursing student LOL

i think its more to due with the money and face than the submissive stereotype. thats a stereotype that has little to do with reality. at least in Chinese culture. i never knew they also hoped to meet a rich guy in first class. so that must explain why they never show me any interest :wink:

On a slightly diff note how much do Flight attendants get paid generally ?

i think its more to due with the money and face than the submissive stereotype.

I get the irritating vibe that a lot of them are those who get turned on by the sight of luxury and wealth

I never knew they also hoped to meet a rich guy in first class.
