Anyone who's done international travel with NWOHR Taiwan Passport?

That’s pretty good to be fair.

Wow! Your process sounds much better. I had to go NIA and MOI to apply and get the TARC and passport myself. My HHRO only gave the naturalization certificate.

In your case, was renunciation the main issue as opposed to the wait period?

Main issue was the wait period because I had to travel a lot. Ironically wouldn’t have been such a problem last two years.


I get my booster shot on Monday and after that I will schedule my health check appointment to have that ready for next month.
I also have to shave and take the picture to update all my documents when I get my ID. I’ll go to the one where they take all the wrinkles and imperfections off lol.

I need to get my affairs in order real quick since I have to travel in the first week on June.


This was definitely not my experience with the Taipei HRO, Zhongshan.

This was under ‘testing’ in August 2020 when I went through. Everyone was a bit unsure, so still recommended a visit to BOCA to make sure the English name alias thing was entered correctly.

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I have the NWOHR passport so they can use that for reference.

I did it in the Xinyi branch.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Gravedig about wording that has been discussed in other threads

So then it wasn’t a problem?

I am really not understanding why you didn’t do the renounce and resume? You knew what you needed to do when you signed up then you said you need to travel but you didn’t…?

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None of yer God-damned business mate when it was a problem or not .

Why do you continually think people need to answer personal questions here?


Yer mate already got his other random attack canned YESTERDAY (also a 2 year gravedig) and then you follow up with the same nonsense directed at me. .

Stop pestering people and learn some manners.

Allow me to clarify this misunderstanding.

He posted two years ago (2021) and complained about previously having to live in Taiwan for a full year on a TARC without traveling, before he can obtain his ID (the quickest way), and he gave up on it. For whatever reason, it wasn’t feasible for him to just get his ID in 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 years. (And I won’t ask why, because it’s none of my God-damned business. Maybe he just didn’t want to deal with all the restrictions of a NWOHR passport for that long.)

Two years later (2023) he said “ironically this wouldn’t have been a problem last two years”, which means 2021 to 2023 (Covid in Taiwan). It wouldn’t have been a problem because of the Covid travel bans in Taiwan, which would have banned him from traveling anyway.


Currently living in Australia on a NWOHR passport as a non-citizen (on an ex-citizen visa).

Tourists with a NWOHR can enter as well provided they apply for a visa (just not an ETA).

I’m planning on going to Malaysia in a few months as well as some island nations in the South Pacific. From my (admittedly small amount) of research NWOHR passport holders can enter most of the South Pacific and Malaysia visa free. I will update post travels :blush:

I plan on being a NWOHR for quite some time and I work in the travel industry so hopefully there will be many opportunities for me to test out a NWOHR passport over the next few years ~ decade’s depending on what life throws at me