Axis of Soros - The Shadow Party Puppeteer

Lots of philanthropy.
He funded J-Street.
Principled investor.

For the 2nd one, then Soros should be happy at the success of Trump in the Mideast, vis-a-vis the peace treaties of late.
For the 3rd one, that is debatable. I have job background in financial world and have first-hand knowledge of Soros Fund Management. I tend to disagree as well as do many of my former colleagues.

Those aren’t peace treaties. Those countries were never at war. Those are “normalization deals.”

semantics. Trump got the 2 sides together.
Is that bad?
Should Soros support what Trump did?

Not really. Issue with the Palestinians should be solved.

Hopefully, it will be good for Israel in the future to be more integrated into the region.

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That’s a funny way of putting it.

And that’s just what they caught him at.

By the way…

If you think people of ethnic group X can do no right, you’re a bigot.

If you think people of ethnic group X can do no wrong, you’re a bigot.

If you think Soros is a good guy, you’re dead wrong. If you think his ethnicity has any bearing on the question, you’re a bigot.

This sounds like internal dialogue.


Funny how conservatives will constantly point to Soros for everything, but ne’er will you hear a conservative ever mention or admit the existence of the Koch Network. Any funding from Soros would pale in comparison to the hundreds of millions being funneled into elections by the Koch Network.

the Kochs are RINO Cocks

Considering Trump is running out of cash, looks like you’ll need those RINOs.

I find it funny that the GOP has these silly labels and ideological purity tests. Their platform is Trump and only Trump. No room for dissent in their party otherwise if you disagree you’re a RINO.

That’s not what internal dialogue sounds like. Just so you know.