Can you help translate these titles?

Yes, xi1shi1 is also used for this, and you’re right, it’s probably more common. But I have heard both in Taiwan.

Try googling it under ‘images’ for more fun. :laughing:

Speaking of 檳榔西施, although I imagine many readers understand the Xishi reference, here’s a link to a story of this legendary beauty for anyone who doesn’t:

[b]The Favor

In addition to asking for translations of these titles, I need help to make them into the little rank images, too[/b] (I know what you’re thinking: “sheesh, you’d think this guy would quit while he was ahead”).

The dimensions are width = 100 pixels, height = 19 pixels
Instead of the loud dark background, I’m hoping these would be ONLY traditional characters with a transparent background (color = #660000 or #333333) [/quote]

I used Paint Shop Pro 6.0 madesome of gif.images, check them out if you still need them.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Bodhisattva: 菩薩 or 菩提薩埵

I’ll try:

Breakfast Store Laoban 早餐店老闆
English Teacher with Headband 綁頭巾的英文老師 (綁is better than 戴, I think)
Shoe-wielding Legislator 揮舞鞋子的立法委員(?)
Chair-throwing Legislator 扔椅子的立法委員
Scooter Commuter 騎機車上下班
Chinese Class Dropout 中文課中輟生
Sidewalk Geomancer 路邊算命攤
Eldest Grandchild 長孫
Taxi Driver Directing Traffic 交通義警
Street Dog Chaser 追趕流浪狗
Gravel Truck Driver 砂石車司機
Bird Walker 蹓鳥的人
Combat Zone Mama-san 戰區媽媽桑(?)
Martyr’s Shrine Guard 忠烈祠衛兵
Wild Chicken Bus Driver 野雞車司機
Immune to Breathalizers 酒測測不出來
Time to Marry a Local 該娶台灣老婆/嫁台灣老公了
Second Landlord 二房東 (we don’t say 第二房東)
KTV Is My Life 就是愛唱KTV
Lost Winning Lotto Ticket 中獎彩券弄丟了
Presidential Advisor 總統顧問
Overpaid Foreign Athlete 薪水過高的外籍運動員
Thinking of Having Kids 想要生小孩
National Security Advisor 國家安全顧問
Former City Mayor 前任市長
Retired President 退休總統
Thinking of Staging a Coup 想要搞政變
Almost a God 幾乎是神
Entering Second Childhood 二度童年期
Goddess of Fornication & Prostitutes 通姦女神&妓女
Village Idiot 村子裡的白痴
Banned 被禁了
Something is wrong with your account 你的帳戶有問題

Wish I could help more, but I don’t even understand the meanings of some English terms

Memorized My Password 读写密码 一般用着计算机上面
upstairs is good~!~!

What about

Ink Still Fresh in Passport 乳臭未乾


alternative: 總司令

Golden Lotus 金莲 literally, sometimes ,means woman 's foot ,as 三寸金莲 , that means woman’s small foot!~!~

I’ve always dreamed of becoming a night-market cop (夜市條子) someday. What exactly is the threshold for this rank?