Can you spot a fake degree holder?

Firstly, I just asked a Optom. from RAU, South Africa, what her GPA was, she has no idea what GPA means - only that it’s something you hear in U.S movies. I hear that it is being used in NZ now though. Oh, that doesn’t make. So, how do we find some universal rules for spotting a fake? Torture? :smiling_imp:

[quote=“ski”]Who was your advisor?

  1. What do you study?

  2. What was your GPA?

  3. What was your worst class?

  4. Where did you go after classes to chill?

  5. . ahhhhm… Jack… something … it’s a Jewish name… can’t remember … it’ll come to me at two in the morning, it sounded really funny though… he had a big nose like me… There was a nice Austrian man that was a councellor… but the Jewish guy… nope, gone.

  6. What did I study? (Sorry, pedantantic aren’t I)
    Christian Ministry, Theology, oooooooooo gasp… Evangelism

  7. We worked on a tertiary credit system which somehow was exchanged to a GPA by the NZ MOE, just looking at my last set of transcripts for the last quarter, well it appears to be about 18 credits.

Do I fail? :smiley:

Honestly, GPA’s were never discussed and never a focus point, but credits for each course were.

  1. Theology :blush: In particular exegesis and hermaneutics :blush: Geez, I flunked one paper about idol feasts because the teacher wouldn’t agree that there were idol feasts in the world today… geez, come to Taiwan man.

  2. To the dorm. We were in the middle of the countryside. Go running. Play hoops. There wasn’t any BEER. Play pranks on other students. Play table tennis in the cafeteria. Listen to preaching tapes. Read the Bible. Prepare sermons. Or we’d go into Auckland city to save souls and talk to the street gangs. :astonished:

Dunno, that sounds fishy though, not like a regular student eh?! :slight_smile:

I think you are right in general though, but there will always be folks like me that are outside the box.

Do I have some stories though, but… some posters wouldn’t like that. :laughing: :smiley: