Charlottesville protests

Why so much political correctness all of the sudden?
Don’t you feel embarrassed asking for it? I would if I were you.

Trump could have phrased this whole thing better condemning the Nazis for what they are, criminals, and at the same time reminding everyone else that the US still is a land of law and order.
Asking everyone else to stay back and let justice take its course and telling them to change the laws to get a grip on these Nazis at the same time.
He told everyone, that there were fine people among them?
He argued that they had a permit to show up with guns and Nazi symbols to a demonstration. There is no way to sign one more of his executive orders outlawing guns and Nazi symbols at demos?
He should have prepared such an order and sign it right there, when he gave his first response.
I don’t get how you can anyhow stand up for these fucking Nazis. They weren’t the victims either. How foolish this is!


He sure the hell did! They will win not because people agree with them. They will win because people sympathize with them.

That would be interesting. The 2nd amendment argument has come to mean that anyone can absolutely own any weapon at anytime and that right can never be taken away at anytime. The constitution in no way says that, but, we have crossed the Rubicon and there is no way back. It won’t be an issue to the left shows up armed as well. Then…and only then…will it be a problem.

He also, in a backhanded way, blamed the counter-protesters for the whole mess. A little like blaming the rape victim for being raped.

Then he compared Washington with Lee. A founder versus a traitor. A man responsible for more American military deaths than the North Koreans, Vietcong, and al Qaeda. Combined.

I saw a meme…I cannot remember where, maybe here, it compared the alt-right nationalist supremacist nazi tiki torch march, versus Shermans march and said “Who did it better?”

Sherman come back! We need you again!

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You both seem to infer he said there within the Nazi’s, white supremacists and KKK in attendance there were fine people among them, care to back that up?

Like fine people will attend that?
Yeah, right!

It’s what he said. Do you think he refer to the counter protest? To the people who don’t like Nazi racist?

Is it ok to free speech race hate?

Hold my beer…

“So, you know what? It’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture and you had people, and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists because they should be condemned, totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, OK? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people, but you also had troublemakers and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats. You got a lot of bad people in the other group, too.”

And to remove any semblance to a “liberal bias”, this is from CNBC, hardly an anti-Trump channel.

What you want to do is CTRL-F and type in “fine people”

Here is what he said,

You’re changing history. You’re changing culture and you had people, and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists because they should be condemned, totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, OK? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people, but you also had troublemakers and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats.

I got it, have you?

Nobody with a clear mind rumbles this kind of shit!
He should resign!
Or, pardon himself. I mean excuse himself.

coming from the poster who has been twisting themselves in pretzel logic in order to deny the violence from the left.

Oh look they did it again.

No one in the MSM sees, no one in the MSM cares, because and I will assume you are intelligent, you realize this violence suits your cause. Why not be honest and say you approve of Antifa methods, no need to hide in the shadows.


If he stopped talking after he said the KKK should be condemned, and maybe added eradicated, then he would have been fine. But, he didn’t. He kept talking. And adding things to it. Who were the good people in that group? Were they the ones with the semi-autos, flak jackets, and helmets?

What other group is he talking about? The protesters? He was not speaking clearly. A great orator, he is not. In my lifetime there have been 9 presidents, and only 2 have been great speakers, who spoke clearly and in a way everyone could understand. Reagan, and Obama. Maybe B41, as well. And Carter. Im too young to remember Nixon or Ford. Clinton and Bush were too “Bubba” for me. And this guy…he is not my kind of guy.

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That is an opinion I can respect. Although we might disagree to an extent, i suspect i would agree mostly with what you just said.

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Where did I deny violence from the left ever?
I don’t deny violence from the left. However, they are fighting for the better for all humans while Nazis fight for the right to destroy, abuse and discriminate against others.
Why did you do that? Because I want everyone to have the right to see a doctor. Ok I’ll forgive you.
Why did you do that? Because, Jews, blacks and Mexicans can see the doctor, they are outbreeding us.
Ok! Keep defending this, but don’t lie about me.

And pretzel logic?
Take a deep look into the mirror and read your own twisted junk!

Thank you. I miss civility.

I would add one thing.

If 45 took the words from John McCain or Marco Rubio today, that would have been dead on. And I think the only reason I like Marco Rubio is he is the only friend Taiwan has in congress. Well, maybe Mitch McConnell since he is married to a Taiwanese woman.

Dead on about the MSM, but that has to cover the whole spectrum.

This is why I get 99% of my news from NPR. It is actually more centrist than you would be led to believe. I believe Pew or Annenburg did a study on it and found them to be quite centrist overall.

Approval of Anitfas methods requires some thinking and perspective. Is it better to have threats veiled, or out in the open? Is it better to be subtle in a call to violence, or just wear it on a sleeve? One side is calling for the eradication of a particular group, or groups. The other is acting out their urges.

If violence is violence, then what does that mean about death penalties?

But could the “fas” be playing victim? They know their actions will illicit a response from the Antifas, so they do what they do. It was like a group A trying to prove brutality from group B by A egging on and antagonizing B until there is a response. Then, A will scream “See!? See!? They are violent and must be stopped!!!”

They cannot win people with their logic or ethics, so they will go for the sympathies.

If the “fas” were walking quietly, with no flags or signs, and no chants AND the Antifas attacked them, there would be a good damning case against Antifas.

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You might like to reflect because I took your argument to it’s logical conclusion. If the left and the MSM are unable to own up to the violence from the left, they will encounter the same problem. IMO it’s why they have just gone apeshit, because they got called out on their bullshit.

Hamletintaiwan, we haven’t even got started on the deeper bullshit.

At least the right, or white, or Republicans denounce KKK and white supremacy lets see how well this works out for Democrats, and I mean this fondly, if they are not able to denounce violent factions in their mist, it will not end well I predict.

Oh, you’re right about Nixon, the Democrats absolutely hated him, I can’t understand it. He gave them everything, OSHA, keynesian economics, etc. The Democrats could never forgive him after he exposed their own Alger Hiss as a Russian spy.

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Look, Milosevich was trying to keep Kosovo inside his country, whether it be Yugoslavia or Serbia. When he couldn’t do that, he started killing them. Has nothing to do with immigration.

There is no moral equivalence with Trump, who merely is controlling the borders that Obama refused to do as president. First he dealt with closing the border to illegal immigrants and deporting them, which has been very effective. The new immigration bill is news I hadn’t heard yet.

Historically, we have immigration to serve our own needs. That’s true of any normal country; very few countries open up their borders for the good of hapless immigrants. We want the immigrants who are educated, speak English, and want to make themselves a success in America and willing to assimilate in order to best make that happen. We’re with them, that’s what we all want to do.

People inside America don’t care either. It’s the press. It’s the democrats who organized and set all this up to create a narrative. It’s the Democrat press who report that narrative and cram it down our throats. And Obama is the wizard behind the curtain that no one is supposed to see.

Especially those educated from socialist countries where education is almost free.
If you asked me, close that loop. As a German, I am tired of paying taxes to educate people who then work in the US that does not provide free education. I know people who got contracts offered in the US, while still in University, offering them twice the Netto salary.
Start educating your Nazis and have them work for NASA, Tesla and etc.
But, keep fighting the left and close your fucking border for everyone.
Be consequent.

OMG! The Alex Jones fan is here!!!