Charlottesville protests

I just really don’t like armed gangs or militias from either side of the political spectrum. They are both groups of dangerous idiots.

In this context, discussions about whether communism or Nazism is more repulsive, seem irrelevant.

As I said I don’t like either group, but to compare an assassin to the person who kills an assassin. I don’t support the latter but you will agree that it’s not the same.

Lots of repulsive movements started with decent intentions. The Triads were initially Chinese nationalists trying to rid the Han of the imperalist Manchu yoke.

Also see Animal Farm

Under fascism, certain groups suffer. Under communism, everybody suffers. I guess there’s something to be said for equality. :sunglasses:

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Do you really believe that you said?

I’m really disgusted at the comments and the media on the news and social media. Deflecting and blaming dem, rep doing this. Far right did this, leftist, libtards etc. we just had people walk around in the open in masses flying the nazi flag. WTF does any of your political opinions have to do with it besides that it’s fucked up beyond all measures.

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When you look at how many deaths Mao was responsible for, yes.

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But mao was trying to help the common people :joy:


Exactly. That’s why communism is so insidious.


What do you think is the cause for this prominent return of a far right? Does anyone agree with the reasoning here?

I just saw those on sale at Lowe’s and thought, wow, they look really familiar. And then it came to me…right, they were just on the news. Leni Riefenstahl would’ve been proud.

I don’t know about you guys but we were taught communism was not attained (some may argue about attainable, but that is not my point here). On the contrary, there was never a society, that reached that Valhalla. First of all, that was their excuse to get away with everything they did: their goal was stilll out there. So they could do anything they wanted because it was all “for the greater cause to come to fruition”. They were on the road, so any contradictions “would be fixed later”. An incentive to never actually get there, if you ask me. Now, there was never equality in communism. Ask anyone who lived in Cuba, NK, Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia, etc… how equal their leaders are to them. It is always the same elite group of jerks livin la vida loca at the expense of the majority that lives in poverty. The only change is that while some elites wrap themselves up in “democracy”, “religion”, “free market”, etc. to legitimize their power, the others use the religion of “socialism for the people”, the religion of “equality”, et al. Same sh**, different wrapping.

Funny, though, how all isms need a scapegoat, divide the people, paralyze whole economic sectors in the name of the ideology, whatever it is. I think that is how you know it ain’t kosher.

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You tell 'em, Duke

I think people get confused that socialism/communism is suppose to be like a Utopian peaceful and stable society. Actually it would be quite chaotic with revolution after revolution where like you said, there would eventually be elite classes and the working class would revolt. So It’s kind of a crazy system and not like how the CCP tries to make everything stable. Things should be constantly changing, power struggles and changes. It would be really hectic to be honest.

I was actually trying to channel another second-rate actor, but close enough. :sunglasses:

From a place where we have been revolution after war after revolution after war after what we have now, a violent impasse,…yep, it get really tiring after a while.

Ooops, my bad, sorry.

You tell 'em, Gipper.

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Actually, this is the real question:

Made in China? Hopefully not Taiwan.