Charlottesville protests

You are very obsessed with punching. What happened to you?
It all started with the below, remember?

In Germany, we celebrate the defeat of the Nazi regime together with our American friends.
That you took the liberty of hanging some of them did not bother us much.
Nazis patrolling the streets on the other hand, are a celebration of the gas chambers and the ovens, I sarcastically inquired about.

Should someone celebrating and encouraging the death of millions be punched in the face? It depends on how useful the outcome would be. If trump crashed my wedding for example and dropped his speech there, he’d be punched in the face.

Also, you were talking about celebrating not punching.
Of course, I get out a little piccolo from the fridge and celebrate every time a Nazi gets punched in the face.
I don’t do it in public.

Ok you are missing the cultural context from the conversation. In the US the farleft have been using the hashtag #punchnazis and inciting people to punch anyone who they deem a nazi

The left pushes back, and the right gets mad.

If nazis and supremacists are allowed to have a voice, they get a footing. When they get their footing, they can spread. Then its endemic. Then what?

We can argue freely, peacefully, and spiritedly about national healthcare, defense, taxes, and wages. That is one thing. But, giving a voice to admitted nazis and their offshoots, after placards don’t work…then what option is left?

In the UK we have a far right party named the BNP. Their leader was invited on to the BBC to give an interview. A lot of people complained about giving a platform to racists. Anyway, the guy came on and was such a moron that his party became an object of ridicule. They have scant support these days and many place the reason on that interview.

Give a platform to morons and let them expose themselves as morons. Ban them and try to shut them up, they gain support. Punch them, they become martyr’s to a galvanized cause.

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Don’t forget UKIP!

But, that’s another story.

Did/Does the BNP have a TV network or an entire army of AM broadcasters (yes, in the US that is still a thing) dedicated to it? The US is different in that these movements begin small, and little by little they grow. The BNP lost out because they overplayed their hand. In the US, they creep like kudzu. One moment its all about nationalistic “us v them” rhetoric. The next, its pogroms.

UKIP is a more complicated case. I wouldn’t call them far right, they just got infiltrated by idiots

Milosevic was dealing with a multi-divided country with factions of different ethnicity and religion breaking off. He used strong-arm tactics to do what he could to try to keep the political entity of Yugoslavia together. Has nothing to do with immigration at all. He was left-wing socialist, which is akin to original facism. Nationalism is present as well in communist regimes.

Trump is exercising his presidential powers regarding immigration, which the Constitution gives him the sole right, as many other previous presidents have done. We’ve had periods of increased immigration and barely any immigration. After President McKinley was assassinated around 1899 by East Europe immigrants and other terrorist events by East Europeans, the immigration flow was cut off in the 20s until about the 60s. There are times when we need more immigrants and times when we have too many.

Obama left the spout wide open, not for legal immigration as in the past, but for mass illegal immigration, which means even our legal immigration is too much now. He did that for political purposes for the good of his Democrat Party to achieve electoral advantage in perpetuity, and not for the good of the country. There has been understandable concern about the excess numbers not assimilating, which is causing problems. Because of Obama’s excesses, there was a demand for a president who executes existing immigration law again, which was Obama’s job to do, but which he failed, for political gain.

Whatever side they may be protesting on, these protestors are not average joes on the street getting caught up in some unexpected fray. There are forces behind the scenes planning this, strategizing, and Obama being the leader of the shadow government, I wouldn’t be surprised this is one of his latest strategies. Especially if it’s intended to take down Trump one way or another. Russia isn’t working anymore. They keep throwing everything on the wall to see what sticks. Trump is like teflo, the Democrats are getting frustrated and desperate, they thought they would have him by now.

Do not write about things clearly do not understand. You know nothing of Yugoslavia, and what broke it up, and your comment cements this. Let me set the record straight.

Milošević was not dealing with anything at the time of the breakup of Yugoslavia. He was not president of anything until 1991, then of only Serbia. He used false-flag ethnic attacks in Kosovo to bolster his political climb in the SRS. He used manipulations and intimidations to wiggle his way into power…OF SERBIA. He became president of YU v.3 in 1997. Next?

You apparently do not understand fascism and nationalism in any context. While they do contain elements of socialism, since the socialism brush is a very wide one, nationalism and fascism, in their core tenets, are rightist ideologies in that they serve only the purist of a nation. In Germany, only “proper” Germans would benefit. In fascist Italy, only “proper” Italians would benefit. No one else. In Bobo’s Serbia, only Serbs would take the pie. Not ethnic Albanians, not ethnic Hungarians.

Oh, now he loves the constitution?

Czogolsz was born in Michigan. About as much as an Eastern European immigrant as I am.

Again, a load of crap. My mother and grandparents immigrated to the US in 1957…from…an Eastern European nation.

But I am guessing you are referring to the immigration act of 1924. That was barely political and, quite openly racist giving the attitudes of the time. Lets see…Jews, Europeans, Arabs, and Asians (specifically Chinese and Japanese). Why was such an act in place? Oh, racism. You can attempt to sugarcoat it in whatever right-wing phraseology you want, but it was racism. How do I know? Because the author of the bill said so.

There is just so much in this…but, to paraphrase a quote Sean Hannity, when a reporter tried to set him straight on something he was clearly wrong on, I doubt you have time for the truth.

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45 allows a foreign leader to have his own foreign agents to beat US citizens and police on US soil, hell, in the nations capital, and says nothing. And you think Obama is behind the anti supremacist/nazi protests in VA and the South. Wow. I have to ask, where was Obama born?


“Obama is leader of a shadow government”? Sorry, I only debate serious people, not conspiracy theorists.


Some amusement if you have a few minutes to spare:


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Oh, look at this!!

Trump to white nationalist supremacist nazis: “Oh, you naughty rapscallions!”

Trump to the counterprotesters, after their protests get the right to plow through their protests in cars: “Hey! This would not have happened if you did not protest against them!”

Blame the victim much?


Yeah! They do look peaceful!

Going to a demo with machine guns is completely normal.
There is no danger of anything going out of hand big times, like a civil war.

So, why does Trump support them?
If you ask me, because the Russia investigation is on his doorsteps.
As long as there is a change of civil unrest/war, everyone is closing his/her eyes and hope they can control it till the 4 years are over.

Good luck!


This is a good watch no matter what, but stick around to the end to see how many friggin firearms the lead guy brought to the event

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White reporter lady: So, is there anything we can do to eliminate racism in America?
(National Treasure) Paul Mooney: Of course, dear. Kill all the white people

He also thinks that there is something under the helmet that’s worth to be protected with an extra layer of steel.