China's new campaign against religious extremism

It looks like the Chicoms have their own special formula for combating Islamic extremism. I can understand prohibiting the wearing of veils, but proscribing “abnormal beards” seems a little extreme on their part (jealousy on the part of Han Chinese who have trouble growing full beards?). And forcing people in Xinjiang to watch “state television”? That would seem to meet the definition of cruel and unusual punishment. Will this new campaign be effective in curbing extremism in China’s restive western region? I think I know the answer.

The communist party’s effort in keeping control has always come off as comedic in a really sad oppressive way.

"Parents should use good moral conduct to influence their children, educate them to revere science, pursue culture, uphold ethnic unity, and refuse and oppose extremism,” the rules say.

what they really mean is pursue han culture, uphold han unity and submit to CCP extremism! i just feel sorry for anyone born in china at this point but especially non han people.

Quite true. Sometimes you don’t know whether to laugh or beg for mercy. I suppose things are marginally better than they used to be though. If you had the temerity to laugh at the government back in the days of Chairman Mao, the joke was definitely on you.

Yeah, “ethnic unity” is code for “know your (subordinate) place in the hierarchy.” As long as you play the harmless ethnic minority in your colorful garb and don’t rock the boat, we won’t “go Tibet” on your ass.

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I remember spending time in China in exchange studying, they would boast how all of the 56 ethnic groups are united now. Saying things like how well they treat the ethnic minorities like allowing them to go to university for free and respecting their culture. Which is great on the surface level, but as long as they fall in line with the party line and dictate which part of their culture they allow. This sounds like a way to attack the Uigurs in Xinjiang. People in China are really afraid of the Uigurs, i’ve heard how they are dangerous and they carry big knifes from many Chinese nationals when I was there. Seemed a little bit ridiculous but if they’ve been fed that by state media thats how they perceive them.

sadly, laughing was probably a luxury a small portion of the population had during Mao’s time. Mao was absolutely the worst ruler I can think of, if history wasn’t so eurocentric/western centric he tops the list above Hitler and stalin for me. Because at least Hitler intended to have a genocide, Stalin actually got things done. Nothing Mao did worked, all of his plans are moronic and killed more people unintentionally when trying to help them. And sadly, most intellectuals in China, even the members of the CCP know just how awful of a leader he was. But Mao is their symbol and basically god for the common folk so they still keep the image up the great chairmen Mao knowing how stupid his plans were.

yea i’ve been told the exact same thing by plenty of chinese people about the knives. i thought it was pretty interesting that they have muslims in china, the xinjiang and lanzhou food i had when i was living there was awesome too. can’t find it here in taiwan. i have zero interest in visiting xinjiang or tibet though, the han absortion is making those places the same as all the other bog standard chinese citys all over china. they always tout about the minority’s and the massive variation of china but its not quite as they say.

Interesting piece on the “thought transformation camps”