Chinese Logic? Anyone? Anyone? (changing a student's grade)

Had a similar experience. I gave a low but passing grade to a student. She’d missed my conversation class to practice for and attend a speech competition. She took first place. It was the national competition.

I had forgotten she’d asked for an excused absence. I was really busy at the time and looked at my grades and averaged them and submitted them.

So I realized I’d made a mistake. And I realized I’d given a low grade to the national champion. So I asked to change her grade in the system, but only after she’d made her missing work.

Yeah, I was penalized and lost part of my bonus. For wanting to set the record straight. Well, I paid the price, because it was the right thing to do. Go figure.

Just got another one, my mistake, resulting in a fail.

When I applied to change the grade, it was “unofficially” suggested that, if the student was unaware, I should just forget it.

Still pushing the envelope of my cynicism, after all these years.

I’m impressed you’re still around after all these years.

I’m unimpressed I’m still around after all these years.