Chinese Military Jets Encircle Taiwanese Airspace as Invasion Fears Rise

Are things really heating up?
Could an invasion happen in the very near future?
Are things as dire as this article’s title makes it sound?
Is it time to pack up and take the family to a safer place? Where is safer?
Or is this just the media sensationalizing things for click bait?

I just bought a house this year. Argh!

well that will be pretty fucked up if it does happen. Hope I don’t live near a military base.

Just the usual willy-waving, I would guess. Does China still really give a shit about Taiwan? Enough to spend billions on a war and risk having the Europeans send them a disapproving memo?

If they actually did decide to attack Taiwan I doubt they’d post anything about it on their ‘microblog’ first.


Maybe they’ll twitter their intentions…“Thinking about invading Taiwan next Thursday #YOLO #fuckshitup


Newsweek is a rag that isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. It’s safe to ignore just about anything that appears on its pages. Taiwan is much more valuable to China as a propaganda tool. Why mess up a good racket?

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Huh. I was about to condescendingly mock you for not realizing that Newsweek had stopped issuing printed editions, but searched a bit and discovered they were indeed back in print. Go figure. Condescending mockery averted.

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It’s the symbolism. I can imagine them invading simply for the sake of face.

What makes me nervous is English Vegetable does not ooze the sort of resolve we need to see oozed. She just doesn’t have the Margaret Thatcher vibe.

Team America to the rescue? They’ve got some problems, due to the misplaced training priorities of the previous mis-administration. They can’t even steer a ship right.

I think they may be trying to cash in on the “resistance” market. If they’re lucky, this strategy may help stave off the inevitable for a while longer.

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Posturing is much, much cheaper than an actual hot war, and has about the same sort of effect. North Korea figured that out 50 years ago.

You mean she doesn’t have the resolve to squander her political capital on a barely inhabited outlying island and then meekly approve the creation of an SAR?

Like, wow, I guess. :idunno:

There was a recent study by some US think tank, which defined likely sites for landing the land invasion. Taoyuan and Hsinchu coast’s up north were the hottest spots.

Its been done before by Japanese who landed on fulong beach and possibly jinshan as well.
Taoyuan coast was another suggested landing area.

Anyway you cant fly boats yet so first things first…

Tahiti is part of Taiwan?

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Sounds good when can I invade?

Friggin Chinese hackers spell checker TAOYUAN

It has historically been part of China, and will someday be re-united with the glorious mainland.


I’d happily hand over Hsinchu and Taoyuan to China. No one would actually miss them.

Which would be funny if these guys were not supporting an ideology that says that everything in the China Seas is their because, well, see the name.

It would be so terribly ironic if the Chinese took control of the Pacific under the same banner/excuse as Japan: to “save” them from colonial powers/ now superpowers or simply US. But that will probably happen.

Why invading it when you can legally buy it?

Theyve been at it for a while