Chinese song about foreign people


I came across this song on YouTube this morning:

The artist has done a good job promulgating the stereotypical view of foreign people in Taiwan. It’s also got a “Gangham Style” feel to it which I’m sure makes it more catchy.

My favourite moment is when the Mormon on the bicycle asks the lady on the scooter if she wants to 信教 :laughing:

Enjoy (or not)

That was kind of special…

Waiguo refers to america, japan and korea? I guess in Taiwan it does. Surprised it got 2m hits

Play on words. ‘歪’ (meaning bent,sneaky, or ‘不正’) is also pronounced ‘wai’ (as in 外國).

I can’t make out most of the lyrics, but I get the impression it’s the sort of song, if the ‘artist’ recorded in English, would get people scratching their heads in bemusement and saying ‘WTF is wrong with you, boy?’.

Am I right that he’s taking the piss out of Korean accents in the middle?

[quote=“Milkybar_Kid”]My favourite moment is when the Mormon on the bicycle asks the lady on the scooter if she wants to 信教 :laughing:

I just sent this to my friend and coworker, who originally came to Taiwan years ago as a Mormon missionary (hence, his Chinese is awesome). He’s not a practicing Mormon anymore. He added this double entendre that they used to say: “我剛教” Wo3 gang1 jiao1, which sounds exactly like 我肛交 :laughing:

You’ll never live like foreign people,
You’ll never do whatever foreign people do,
You’ll never fail like foreign people,
You’ll never watch your life slide out of view,
And dance, and drink, and screw,
Because there’s nothing else to do ooo ooo ooo …

[color=#000080]我有強壯的肩膀 姑娘都過來不要怕
哈囉GIRL 晚上一起跟MAN陽明山一下
嗨完跟我回家 外國浴缸又白又大

白天時候 我長時間都待在長頸鹿
有時候跟MY HOMIE騎腳踏車在馬路
我唱饒舌也傳教 國小英文我也教
台灣的女孩 讓我有點想要CHECK OUT

我來自外國 什麼語言都難不倒我
我來自外國 地球村的女孩都愛我

meri Ameri A A America
Ameri Ameri A A America
Ameri Ameri A A America
Ameri Ameri A International[/color]

Just more of the same clichéd rubbish, the same cookie-cutter nonsense that’s on all the garbage chat shows where they scream and giggle about every childish little facet of whitie’s views on Taiwan. A nation obsessing over a few thousand English teachers.

I googled “信教” and it said believe in a religion, so I must be missing the joke. I’m new to Chinese. What was the joke?

It sounds a bit like 性交 (sex) and 香蕉 (banana).

Shit has just gone viral.

This expat lady made this post and it has attracted lots of Taiwanese attention and Media.


yip, and go through the comments. it’s more of the same old same old. here’s one for example:

“美國因為種族歧視的問題很嚴重,所以對這種事情很敏感” (because racial discrimination is serious problem in USA, therefore expats living in Taiwan are more sensitive and aware of these type of things"

I’ll just repeat what I said above - just more of the same clichéd rubbish, the same cookie-cutter nonsense that’s on all the garbage chat shows where they scream and giggle about every childish little facet of whitie’s views on Taiwan. A nation obsessing over a few thousand English teachers

She’s great! :notworthy: :lovestruck: :rainbow:

Very educational. I found out how to say “neckbeard” in Chinese, although 酸民 doesn’t have quite the same descriptive ring to it.

What she points out is not wrong but she could consider

  • Taiwan is mostly monoculture so she’s expecting a bit much from TWnese. They have limited exposure so how can they know about non TW lifestyles, culture etc.

  • The rock band is using regular stereotypes etc to be controversial, get attention, make people laugh and thus rack up the hits. The same as any comedian would.

Personally I think the song was quite funny and informative on stereotypes… and learnt a bit of Chinese humor too.

Anrong/Avalon is amazing! I wouldn’t have become aware of her “Insect Island” YouTube videos had I not stumbled upon this year-old Forumosa thread, but I’m glad I did. I realize that she isn’t alone among Westerners in Taiwan who have mastered Chinese (as impressive as that is), but she also has great stage presence and manages to make expressing her outsider’s perspective on Taiwanese culture interesting to watch. (And she’s easy on the eyes too imo, which I’m sure doesn’t hurt as far as attracting the attention of male Taiwanese viewers.) As much as we foreigners love to complain about Taiwan to one another (hence Forumosa), even those of us with the necessary fluency in Chinese tend to be as averse to expressing negative views of Taiwan to Taiwanese people as they are to hearing them expressed by a foreigner. I’m not a bit surprised at the Taiwanese reaction of defensiveness… but even still, I think it’s great that non-English-speaking Taiwanese people actually listened to a foreigner express her honest opinions about Taiwanese culture (AND listened to a foreigner speak fluent Mandarin). Taiwanese people aren’t going to change the way they think about the non-ethnic-Chinese people in their country overnight (if ever)… but even still, I feel like it’s a step in the right direction.

Pretty sure I saw her at the MRT station a couple weeks ago.
She was going down the eskimolator as I was going up, so by the time I could yell “Bug Lady!” she was already past.

She’s even cuter in person.