Circumcision (General Discussion)

Vincent writes [quote]Quote:
A penis that is regarded by most as being more attractive.

Most of who? I’m trying in vain to figure out where information like this could possibly have come from–one of those Cosmo surveys, perhaps? [/quote] Come on mate! Do a few laps around the block, ask the neighbours, this like, isn’t new information :wink:

There’s already enough swingin dick around on this site without having to hear the gory details of tigerman’s, sandman’s and maoman’s penises.
Bao pi is unpleasant. Please don’t post yours here.
Instead, get one of these manhood things to hide it:
But I want to know why you’re debating foreskin, when the real issue should be size. It matters much more.

[quote=“tim tam”]There’s already enough swingin dick around on this site without having to hear the gory details of tigerman’s, sandman’s and maoman’s penises.

I couldn’t agree more. These “well, my penis…” postings are hilarious, and telling, commentaries on the worship of one’s own phallus.

Now, I’ve got to get back to work erecting that monument in my back yard. :smiley:

LOL ! And what is your position on elbow skin? Pleasant, or unpleasant ?

Elbow skin is pleasant enough, as long as there’s no skin disease.
You must consider the opinion that future sex partners may have about it because a lot of women find that extra skin mars the beauty of the penis.
And you don’t see too many photos of cloaked members on the gay porn sites either, so it’s a question of aesthetics.
I prefer clean lines and less clutter.

AHA! But you see, David was done by a man. There again, maybe Tim Tam is right. Maybe most women DO look at David and think: “Hmmmm, not bad … except for the dick.”

No, women look at David and say, “My, what big hands! But that idea that man’s endowment can be predicted by measuring from wrist to tip of forefinger is a big fat LIE!”

Though rarely performed in Australia I once assisted (professionally) in a circ on the babe of a very insistent couple. While its a quick nip, believe me the poor little blighter screamed his lungs out - there’s a tough choice, local anaesthetic and lots of needle jabbing to numb the member, put 'em out - too risky, or whip it off as quick as a flash.

The doctor, the anaethetist and I chatted over it long and hard…no pun intended. Conclusion? We’d just mutilated a child for no reason other than a very slight reduction in the possible increased risk of a certain penile cancer which may be related to poor hygeine. There is too the risk the foreskin can become strangulated at sometime which then means it then does require the chop.

Personally given the amount of joy having mine intact has given me I see it in absolutely no way different to that other hideous cultural practice of clitoral circumcision.

Leave the kiddies intact!


I think there is an obvious and significant difference in the two practices.

ROTFLMAO! :laughing:

I have never seen a circumsized penis before and am moderately curious now. Maybe I should sue my father for raising me entirely on British porn. But for future reference, is there really an issue amongst men/boys with un vs. circumsized? Could boys be beaten up for being the one or the other?
Is it better to go with the flow of the community you’re in if you have boys…after all, I think this is a bit of a custom/fashion thing…e.g. if you’re in the States, hack it off?


I see your point but I think that would probably be in the list of Don’ts: “Don’t circumcise just because it’s fashionable.” Anyway, with more and more parents choosing NOT to circ, it won’t be the norm even in the States for very long.


Comparisons with clitoral “circumcision” are inevitable, and tend to confuse the issue (not to mention make it more emotional). I think everyone agrees that the female operation is generally much, much worse–less of a circumcision than an amputation. But, the fact that infant circumcision for males is less extreme hardly exonerates the practice, which should be examined on its own merits and demerits.

Oh yes–the David is rather small, in terms of its masculine endowment. Possibly this is related to Michelangelo’s homosexuality. (I’m told that gay men often prefer smaller partners who will cause them less pain while mounting them.) But the dimensions of the David are distorted in any case because it was originally intended to be viewed from far below.

You were definitely misinformed. :smiley:

Hang on a sec. David was a Jew! And Michelangelo was Italian, so there are many discrepencies with this renaissance classic.

Yep, Michelangelo got it wrong. Guess gay gentiles didn’t pleasure very many gay Jews back in those unenlightened times…

So they want MORE pain? Interesting…

From a woman, who made the decision not the circumcise her son… I thought I would answer from my perspective, Tigerman’s query…

I have had partners that were cut, and those that weren’t… really from my personal opinion, it did not matter one whit. Looks (hey who cares penises are funny looking no matter what!:wink: ) and function (depends on the man, not on willy) are all subjective anyway!

How true how true!!!

Using the same logic, a ripe appendix should be left to burst. A bleeding spleen should remain in its original place in the abdomen. A pre-cancerous mole should be left to take its course.
BS. Foreskin does not represent any immediate danger to the person’s health.
Your comparision is not only flawed but redicilous.

We should all grow our hair and beards out, and let our finger and toenails chip off naturally.
My foreskin doesn’t grow …