Cleaning/removing black mold on walls

Anyone dealt with black mold on their nice white walls?

This stuff is really doing my head in, but I am determined to beat it.

Should I do this myself or get a professional in to deal with it? Anyone know the price of such services charged?

Also, my landlord doesn’t give a shit about my problems.

Oof, hurry up and get that dehumidifier! Sounds like your apt is hella humid.

Don’t forget the dehumidifying packets and boxes they sell at Carrefour, that stuff makes a difference! Also, I know Daiso sells some very very cheap dehumidifying things. Make sure to check them out!

You can do it yourself, just take a dry cloth and wipe it down. Make sure your mouth/eyes/nose are covered before doing so.


“latest Thursday” is what I have been told about the dehumidifier.

Thanks, I will go to Carrefour soon

Perhaps obvious, perhaps not…but remember to close the windows when it’s raining.

Better you deal with it than the landlord. Then you can get it done right.

Problem is that there must be some leak feeding the mold. You must hire a plumber firts to fix the leak, then teh mold.

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One more sing, make sure your bathroom is also getting a good air current or you’re leaving the hood vent/fan on after you’ve showered.

When I was in China, my room was right next to the bathroom and I turned off the light/hood vent right after I showered and the wall molded up. I moved everything out of the room into an empty room and dehumidified the shit out of all my things while I took care of the mold. If the sun was out, I brought my things outside for some sun.

There is condensation forming on the inside of my windows, the whole window is full of water droplets and it is a big window. It is warm inside and cold outside.

Warm?! Seems there is a ventilation problem too. Get a Vornado pronto, too.

How do I use the Vornado? How will it help?

Vornado = fan.

Fan on = air circulation.

Air circulation = humid air circulates instead of sitting around

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One thing I have noticed about a few bathroom fans here - they actually don’t vent anywhere. We reply on dehumidifiers to keep dampness in check.

In other homes we have lived in, black mold came as a result of leaky walls which is the responsibility of your landlord.

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