Costco brings Black Friday to Taiwan


Lines look normal, though.

No carnage?

The disappointment is real.

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I wouldn’t mind an ipad that’s like 50% off or whatever

Yeah, and they only started in the line at 3am.

Well, I am glad is not a massacre, but we still have tomorrow.

Oh and they opened at 9.

They’re opening an hour earlier today, tomorrow and Sunday

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Those lines look longer than normal. I don’t see that many people on the weekend normally.

Especially on a Friday morning. Was considering taking the morning off and running over to the Zhongli store to see what they have. Changed my mind after seeing some of the lines and hearing reports.

the lines goes into the underground parking lot, so maybe that’s way it looks normal from the outside.

People IN LINE for black friday sales? Oh ffs, haven’t they learned anything from the Intertube videos from the US? They should be forming a stampede and rush into the store buying ANYTHING within arms reach!

Taiwan, you’re doing it wrong!


A list of discount items in Chinese…

Sharp 60吋顯示器送 InFocus 45吋顯示器 38499元。
Sony+Wharfedale家庭劇院六件組 22999元→17999元 。優惠5000元
BOSE家庭劇院組 送 BOSE無線藍芽耳機 46499元
JVC55吋液晶顯示器 17999元→12999元 。優惠5000

I-Pad 128G 12999元→11000元 。優惠1000元
行動電源 749元→399元 。優惠350元

惠而浦觸控式微波爐20L 2499元→1799元。 優惠700元
193公升無霜直立式冷凍櫃 12999元→10999元 。優惠2000元
伊萊克斯吸塵器 22999元→18998元 。優惠4001元
Vornado空氣循環扇 5999元→4799元 。優惠1200元
戴森二合一涼暖風扇 15999元→13499元 。優惠2500元
伊萊克斯半自動咖啡機 5699元→4799元 。優惠900元

飛利浦自動刮鬍刀 3599元→2799元 。 優惠800元
百靈電動牙刷組 送 百靈電動牙刷刷頭組 3599元

膳魔師不銹鋼炒鍋 3799元→2799元 。優惠1000元
Brita濾水壺 1399元→979元 。優惠420元

直立式蒸汽掛燙機 2699元→2199元。 優惠500元
Flair衣物柔軟精四件入 339元→199元 。優惠140元

真皮工作手套3入組 769元→499元 。優惠270元
日本茶具組 989元→789元。優惠200元
軟式摺疊保溫袋 669元→399元。優惠270元
太星電工1.8米五開五插延長線+USB 469元→329元。優惠140元

智慧型安全電熱毯 1599元→1199元 。優惠400元
雙人鵝絨被 2679元→1979元 。優惠700元
席伊麗單人床墊 11999元→9999元 。優惠2000元

幫寶適拉拉褲L 699元→629元 優惠70元
多功能折疊式小童三輪車 3999元→1999元。優惠2000元

韓式燒烤牛肉 每公斤399元→每公斤299元。 每公斤優惠100元
大西洋鮭魚 每公斤399元
美國無骨牛小排真空包 每公斤685元→535元 。每公斤優惠150元

Exactly, that was my point. Normal as in calm. No frenzy. I’m glad.

I have pictures from Q Square. SOGO I could barely breathe, let alone take a picture.

I think my only purchase this black friday will be a small cube-speaker from TK3C that I plan to hide in tactical spots and confuse people playing weird music via bluetooth.

I have been looking for one. Waterproof. Hopefully cat proof. But I swore never ever to buy anything from TK3C.

I need two car cameras for my family. Two computers. Ah, the joys of going back to the ol country. Thank sales timing.

Meh :neutral_face:
Not much on sale to really interest me.
The only attractive discount is the TV, buy one get one free, but I have no need for 2 TVs.
Wish they had more on sale.
Glad I didn’t go.

Curiosity got the better of me, so I went to the xizhi Costco. It was much more crowded than the weekend. The traffic in that area on the side of the street Costco was on was congested due to the amount of people at Costco. They blocked off some side entrances and had the police direct traffic.

Inside, the checkout lines probably had a one hour wait. There seemed to be three long lines feeding into the checkout counters.

Thanks for the report.

Gf and I were busy this week and wanted to do a Costco run tonight…think we might do a drive by the Neihu Costco and decide there. I expect a line out the door.

I’d park at RT Mart and walk to Costco.

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For me the really attractive deal is the JVC 55" for just 13,000. Too bad I don’t need a TV now. That one, I heard, is sold out right after the door opened.

I’m also hearing reports about Costco changing it from all weekend to just today.

What, they thought they would have enough stock to last them three days?