Democratic Dilemna

:smiling_imp: I’d love to see the Democrats nominate a JFK candidate – someone who takes corticosteroids, procaine, antispasmodics including Lomotil, testosterone, amphetamines, Nembutal, and various antipsychotic drugs, while humping anything that moves.

The truth is that no other presidential administration can begin to compete with JFK’s record of recklessness, lechery, and deceit. Bill Clinton, bad as he was, was no match for JFK. His reckless behavior with women, drugs, and mobsters betray character faults that might have cost the nation dearly. Whether he was smoking marijuana or dropping LSD with Mary Meyer, bedding East German spies, or failing to pass most of his legislative agenda in Congress, JFK was irresponsible and a weak leader. I can only hope that the Democrats nominate someone with such a checkered personal life.