Drone regulations in Taiwan

Not sure if below is the latest info. Has anyone up to date info about regulations in Taiwan?


not sure if it has the latest updates, but I use the app skysentry


Those operating a UAV weighing less than 2kg do not need a license.

People wanting to operate UAVs weighing between 2kg and 15kg and equipped with GPS would have to obtain at least a regular operating license, whereas those operating UAVs weighing more than 15kg must secure a professional operating license.


Hi, Iā€™m trying to learn how to block drones from flying around my house in Hsinchu. Hereā€™s my opinion and experience. I have stopped 6 people from flying drones around my house because of privacy. If someone tries to fly one around my house I will terminate it if I have a chance. My privacy trumps your need to play with drones. Period. They can be used to surveil my property by criminals. Saying, ā€œBut I wonā€™t video your houseā€ is BS. I do not tolerate my house being in your video without my permission. Before you buy a drone understand other peopleā€™s privacy is important. Please let me know how I can block drones from flying around my house. Iā€™m fed up.


Add some window tints and youā€™re golden.

Perfect. Thanks for this. :slight_smile:

11/6/21 Drones continue to be a problem for us at our house. Last week someone flew a drone within 10 feet of our window. Set my wife off. I already sent 2 letters to CAA (no reply) and talked with local police. He said thereā€™s no law prohibiting them but I can throw rocks if they get close. Nuts.

They have radio frequency jammers, set them at the drones frequency and they fall out of the sky. Could be illegal tho.

Most drones will descent slowly to the ground after loosing signal.

i.e. going down.

The site and keywords are useful. The prices are too high for me but it gives me useful info. Thanks for this link.

this is prohibited by Article 28 of Regulations of Drone, unless the activity is done by a government agency (institution), school or legal person with the approval from CAA.

the penalty is 30k ntd fine