Earthquakes 2018

Very ugly strong one in Xindian. Cats all puffed up.


Felt as if I had tripped or something, then stopped. Still some swaying here in Hsinchu.

Just got the emergency alert. 22:52

Very light in Hualien. About a 2 feel. Epicenter must be elsewhere.

That was a powerful one wow.

Shit, I’m camping in NanAo and I was shaking inside the tent O_o

Hope my aquariums are alright…

I got one, too but I can’t read it, except for the “5.3” part.

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5.3 Yilan

I’m guessing keelung area or NE

Taipei and New Taipei 3

The worst ones of the past few weeks seem to happen around 22:50. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised that seismic activity could be related to the earth’s rotation, but it does harsh a mellow.


So it was in Yilan 10 miles from my place. nice

That was at least a 6 on the cat-o-meter

I usually am not freaked out my earthquakes. The the frequency of them lately is concerning. And that last one was violent. What’s going on? Anyone with a good article on why so many earthquakes lately?

Was it stronger or softer than the ones last week?

different vibe
Up and down
Not side to side

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Also much deeper this time. This one was 46km under but felt so violent

It was completely different. Last week was a lot of swaying and rocking. This to me felt more like I lost my balance very suddenly - and then just went away.

You know how they train you to fall in martial arts? I felt that training snap in for less than a second. Was definitely getting ready to fall.

S wave?