Falun Dafa is good

[quote=“Benjamin K”][quote=“rodeo”]
And you are one of the free thinkers? Please. You have taken Chinese circular thinking and literacy and spawned a bizarre form of doublespeak. IMO, you’re a case study. :s

What’s that expression? People who have only read one book should stfu. :thumbsdown:[/quote]

You are free to think, to believe, or not to believe, this is your freedom in normal countries.
It is good for sby to support others freedom of belief, even if they do not have the same belief.
This is a famous sentence: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

BTW, who only read one book?[/quote]
Meh. I will spit your bait.

If you depend on the latter part of that statement to justify the spewing of your nonsense, you’re a fuck up in my mind. :thumbsdown:

Did you go to college? God. What a waste. You could have been a rich defense lawyer in the States. :laughing:


Homo unius libri

How true!

For example, in Saudi Arabia and neighbouring countries, many people eat Falafel, which is a kind of “fast food”, but the ingredients are mashed beans and chopped onions, so, basically healthy stuff. Assuming you also fry the Falafel in good qulity oil and at the right temprerature, this is really good food for body and soul. Truly food for the present and the afterlife.

In order to say good things about Falun Dafa, is it really necessary to constantly bring up the negative aspects of Communism? For many sincere believers, Communism is good–not a cult at all. Instead of reducing each other to caricatures, can’t we compare the good, and the bad, within each tradition?

For example, what does Falun Dafa have to say about economics, e.g. the labor theory of value? And which is better suited to social progress, authoritarianism or liberal democracy? I’ll bet there’s a lot of opportunity for dialogue, if the two sides can only put aside their old disagreements.

If you carefully study the writings of Chairman Mao (and Deng Xiaoping), I’m sure you will find a lot to agree with.

I considered Falun Dafa, but decided I would get more enlightenment by teaching my cat the art of massage. it worked out well. :popcorn:

But does the cat understand the value of Truth, Compassion, Tolerance? Is it communist?

What do you think about the Religious Traits of the CCP?

[quote] Religious Traits of the CCP

The Basic Forms of a Religion

The Corresponding Forms of the CCP


Church or platform (pulpit)

All levels of the Party committee; the platform ranges from Party meetings to all media controlled by the CCP



Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong’s ideology, Deng Xiaoping’s theory, Jiang Zemin’s Three Represents, and the Party Constitution


Initiation rites

Ceremony in which oaths are taken to be loyal to the CCP forever


Commitment to one religion

A member may only believe in the Communist Party



Party secretaries and staff in charge of Party affairs on all levels


Worshiping god

Slandering all gods, and then establishing itself as a “god,” though not using the name


Death is called “ascending to heaven or descending to hell”

Death is called “going to see Marx”



The theory and writings of the Communist Party leaders



All sorts of meetings; leaders’ speeches


Chanting scriptures; study or cross-examination of scriptures

Political studies; routine group meetings or activities for the Party members


Hymns (religious songs)

Songs to eulogize the Party



Compulsory membership fees; mandatory allocation of governmental budget, which is money from people’s sweat and blood, for the Party’s use


Disciplinary punishment

Party disciplines ranging from house arrest, investigation, expulsion from the Party, to deadly torture and even punishments of relatives and friends [/quote]

theepochtimes.com/n3/3950-co … evil-cult/

You mean like these Countries also?
North Korea
Saudi Arabia

and probably these


Maybe Falun Dafa have no problems in the other Countries.

Great! So how does this match up with Falun Dafa?

Hey, did you know that gods die when you stop believing in them? An awesome power, that one.

If you carefully study the writings of Chairman Mao (and Deng Xiaoping), I’m sure you will find a lot to agree with.[/quote]

No. Do you agree with Mao’s mad thinking?

[quote]The Communist Party claims to fear nothing in heaven or earth, but has attempted with arrogance to reform heaven and earth. This is a complete disregard for all the righteous elements and forces in the universe. Mao Zedong wrote while a student in Hunan,

“In all centuries, nations have conducted great revolutions. The old is washed away and things are imbued with the new; great changes have occurred, involving life and death, success and ruin.

“It is the same with the destruction of the universe. This destruction is definitely not the final destruction, and there is no doubt that destruction here will be birth over there.

“We all anticipate such destruction, because in destroying the old universe we bring about the new universe. Isn’t that better than the old universe!”[11][/quote]

theepochtimes.com/n3/3946-co … 2/?photo=2

Well, now that I think about it, I have to admit that it is possible that Mao was wrong about some things. Like, maybe the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution didn’t go as well as they might have (what with the cannibalism and all). But maybe the true message of Communism was just misunderstood. I mean, people criticize Master Li Hongzhi as well, so we have to be careful not to just zoom in on the negatives. What if people did that with Falungong? Then they’d call it a crazy cult, things like that, and then what kind of dialogue would we have?

What is the possitive according to you?

What is the possitive according to you?[/quote]
Not allowing any crazy cults promoting more Grimm Tales. :bravo:

Not allowing any crazy cults promoting more Grimm Tales. [/quote]

I suggest you read here:

[quote]The Communist Party is essentially an evil cult that harms mankind.
Although the Communist Party has never called itself a religion, it matches every single trait of a religion. [/quote]

theepochtimes.com/n3/3950-co … evil-cult/

Well, Chairman Mao had a lot of wise things to say about the dialectical concept of the unity of opposites:

marxists.org/reference/archi … wv1_17.htm

What does Falungong teach about this?

[quote=“Zla’od”]Well, Chairman Mao had a lot of wise things to say about the dialectical concept of the unity of opposites:

Do you think it is wise to hear one says than to see what one has done?

[quote]The history of the CCP can be said to be full of trickery and betrayal without constraint. For example, what bandits honor the most is “righteousness.” Even their place to share the booty is called “the hall of righteousness for dividing the spoils.” But whenever a crisis arises among comrades within the CCP, they expose and accuse one another, and even fabricate false charges to frame one another, adding insult to injury.

Take General Peng Dehuai for example. Mao Zedong, coming from a peasant background, of course knew that it was impossible to produce 130,000 jin of grain per mu[13] and that what Peng said was all true[14]. He also knew that Peng had no intention of taking his power, let alone the fact that Peng has saved his life several times when Peng fought Hu Zongnan’s 200,000 troops with only 20,000 troops of his own during the CCP-KMT war.

Nevertheless, as soon as Peng expressed his disagreement with Mao, Mao immediately burst into a rage and threw into a garbage can the poem he wrote in praise of Peng—“Who dares to ride ahead on horseback with sword drawn—only our General Peng!” Mao was determined to put Peng to death, despite the nobility of Peng’s life-saving comradeship.[/quote]
theepochtimes.com/n3/3946-co … 2/?photo=3

[quote]The most infamous instance was the persecution of intellectuals in 1957. The CCP called on the intellectuals to offer their opinions, but then persecuted them as “rightists,” using their own speeches as evidence of their “crimes.”

When some criticized the persecution as a conspiracy or “plot in the dark,” Mao claimed publicly, “That is not a plot in the dark, but a stratagem in the open.”[/quote]
theepochtimes.com/n3/3943-co … arty-is/2/

I haven’t read all of this thread so I don’t know if anyone has posted this already but there is a funny interview with Li Hongzhi in Time from way back in 1999. The best part is:

[quote]TIME: In your book [Zhuan Falun] you talk about people levitating off the ground but you say that they should not show other people. Why is that?
Li: It is the same principle that Western gods in paradise should not be seen by ordinary mortals because they cannot understand its meaning.

TIME: Have you seen human beings levitate off the ground?
Li: I have known too many.

TIME: Can you describe any that you have known?
Li: David Copperfield. He can levitate and he did it during performances.[/quote]

:smiley: Imagine being his interlocutor - how would you handle such childish naivety in what is supposed to be a serious interview? Would you be able to stop yourself from laughing? Would you try to explain that David Copperfield is a magician who is not really levitating? Unfortunately the interview skips right on to the next topic.

This is what you know, but it is possible that there is sth more than what you know. However it does not matter if you think he can levitate or not.

What I want to say is:
Most people believe Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance—is the foundation of Falun Gong.
If someone does not think Falun Gong is good, that is because he is misguided or misinformed.

[quote=“Benjamin K”][quote=“shiadoa”]
Not allowing any crazy cults promoting more Grimm Tales. [/quote]

I suggest you read here:

[quote]The Communist Party is essentially an evil cult that harms mankind.
Although the Communist Party has never called itself a religion, it matches every single trait of a religion. [/quote]

theepochtimes.com/n3/3950-co … evil-cult/[/quote]
Ok…read that, now in the interests of Forebearance , please read this also.
