"Fitting In" in Taiwan (dealing with Discrimination)

Actually conflict between a local and a foreign immigrant is not necessarily rooted in race. I completely disagree there. If two people get into a conflict, one is a foreigner and one is a local, it could be any common thing which many locals themselves fight over every day. Two people in a conflict where one is foreign, well the fact that the foreigner is angry at the Taiwanese person may have nothing to do with the fact he is Taiwanese. Or vice versa. The Taiwanese person could be angry at the foreigner for reasons that have nothing to do with the foreigner himself.

So I say this. Everyone in society knows not to get involved in a fight between two locals because they know it’s just a PRIVATE AFFAIR between the two individuals. A foreigner vs a local should not be any different.

Forgive me, but living in China for the 4 years that I have been there I faced discrimination and I learned the hard way that white people aren’t the only one’s racist. (Of course where I come from, no white person dare say he’s racially proud). However before I went to China, I researched websites and blogs that give information with titles such as “10 things a foreigner should know before going to China”. And basically they will say things like “present a business card with two hands” “Do not stick your chopsticks in a bowl of rice with the ends straight up” “Don’t get angry in public” All these things like “don’t do this or you must do that or how to greet people” or whatever. Many of them will also talk about how you should behave in terms of being polite and everything.

But none of those websites I ever researched ever explained the things that I explain in this video I made below
In any case, if you are a foreigner thinking about going to China or Taiwan for your first time, everything I explained in this video is what I had to learn the hard way.

I should have explained that the ESL industry doesn’t even really serve the local people. There’s nothing we can do that a local fluent in English can’t do. The ESL industry is nothing but a legal scam $$$

And if any of you make any online blogs or videos talking about what a person should know before going to Asia, please do your viewers a favour and actually warn them of all their compromises the way I do in the video I made. Because there is nothing more important that a new arrival should know before coming to Asia. Everything I talk about is way too overlooked.

Oh and one last thing, get an asian silicone mask that looks life like, long sleeve shirt (if it’s summer make sure it’s thin), and pants. This way if you are tired of sticking out, people refusing to sit next to you on the bus or locking their doors when they see you walk by or whatever, wearing an asian silicone mask will solve those problems.