Food you miss back in your country?

Not bad.

Weird, Iā€™m from a major dairy country and never heard of lactose intolerance until leaving, Iā€™m sure it must exist now but itā€™s simply not a big thing.

ā€˜Lactose intolerant, are you some type of racist?ā€™

Probably similar to the much mentioned peanut and seafood allergies that Taiwanese donā€™t seem to suffer from!

Just yesterday one of my nephews by proxy got an allergic reaction to peanut butter, really bad. Heā€™s a US/Taiwan collaboration, so I was surprised and really sad to hear heā€™s got allergies. I guess I also bought the hype.

Before coming here, I had read that most Asians cannot process milk or milk products as they lack the lactose processing whatever. However, the side of my family that suffers from this ailment is the non-Chinese section. Interesting.

In the ol country, you find lots of lactose free, gluten free, fat free, etc, free products everywhere. Big marketing scheme. My stepmom was really annoyed in the States as it was actually harder for us to find lactose free milk, not carried in our local Mom and Pop store, only big stores.

Lactose intolerance is indeed racist and also atheist since it is a living embodiment of evolution.

Mammals naturally wean from milk, because it is more logical for grown ass entities to stop drinking from motherā€™s milk, so their siblings may have a higher chance of survival. Evolution made sure of this by stopping mammals that are old enough to stop producing lactase, an enzyme that breaks down lactose.

Without lactase to break down lactose into glucose and galactose, old enough mammals becomes lactose intolerant and canā€™t survive on milk, so they will have to learn to find food on their own. This is the natural way.

At a certain point people in the middle east and asian steppes became dependent on animal milk for survival, to the point that if the person is lactose intolerant, the survival rate decreases. In the end people with mutated genes allowing lactase persistence becomes the dominant population in the region, and they spread into Europe.

So really, those who can drink milk without trouble are the mutantsā€¦


So really, those who can drink milk without trouble are the mutantsā€¦[/quote]

Nonsense. We are the evolved.

Go to the source.

I for one welcome our mutant overlords. Itā€™s not a bad thing to be able to drink milk. Iā€™m slightly lactose-intolerant (inherited from my Asian part of the family, I think) but I ignore it. Cheese is just too good to give into oneā€™s allergies.

Yuck. That brings back bad memories associated with milk. Back in the ol country, we had to filter the milk we got straight from the cow. Ticks, hair, general muckā€¦ Then boil it. Then you drink it.

Unless we are making a visual metaphor, in which case I havenā€™t said a thingā€¦ (insert angel faced emoticon)

i think thatā€™s a fake cowā€¦ and for some reason canā€™t help but think that girl looks hotā€¦

Iā€™ll be back in Pittsburgh in two weeks and Iā€™ll be going to the Strip and gorging myself on these delicacies:


I for one welcome our mutant overlords. Itā€™s not a bad thing to be able to drink milk.[/quote]

I for one welcome our mutant overlords. Itā€™s not a bad thing to be able to breathe air, walk on two legs, use tools, and speak. So really, those who can speak without trouble are the mutants.

Thank you, Canada, for the most pleasant surprise: platano maduro.

I had asked the Mexicans around my hotel if they knew where to find plantain in Vancouver, which, I expected would have, as any other North American city with a sizeable Latino/Central American population. They sent me to T and T. Well, before I got there, I was visiting Granville Island when among the fruit stands, there they were:

Looked over-ripe, but actually were just fine:

Had them from breakfast then on:


cottage cheeseā€¦ not even Costco has thisā€¦ :bluemad:

You can make your own, you know.

I still like your figure too, TG

I miss real cheese.

Look here
DB also gives a good intro on p2 to making queso blanco (which isnā€™t too far off cottage cheese).

I did buy a lot this summer from Tescoā€™s (Uk). Great on crackers, Ryvita or whatever.

Fried Peace Maker Po-Boy from Acme Oyster House in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA.

Itā€™s a combination fried shrimp/fried oyster poboy for those who are torn between the two!

Donā€™t know what that is, but you can get both shrimp and oyster fresh in Taiwan, so you are most of the way there if you want to make it yourself!

Had them from breakfast then on:


those classified ads are in Chineseā€¦ Is that a äø–ē•Œę—„å ±?

Nope, Apple Daily from the plane. But I brought back some tour and travel ads from that one.