German guy gets bullet - traffic dispute

[quote=“ceevee369”]Guess he escaped a much worse scenario…

My GF always tells me not to “play” with those f***wits on the road and this incident will remind me once more :astonished:
As such I’ll remove the baseball bat from my car and buy some pepper spray :p[/quote]

Yeah, your only choice in Taiwan is to either accept the asshole behavior of 50% of the other drivers or be prepared to deal with a baseball bat, a watermelon knife, or a gun, because half of the inbred scumbags who drive like cunts have weapons in their cars. The other half drive like cunts because being a completely self-absorbed asshole is required by the dealer if you’re going to buy a luxury car in Taiwan. Only a few nice people make it through the gauntlet and end up being able to purchase a Benz, BMW, or Lexus.