Good Chinese Song Sung on Street

Got a few songs that sounds remotely likely… see if these are the songs you are looking for:

if it’s a rap song, then maybe this one?

No, no way near. Here something that I know you can help me with. It is a pop song that keeps repeating the words "one two One two, I hate you, I love you. and several other English phrases.
It was sung by a girl. It starts slow then goes really crazy with a full orchestra.
Once more, it was on KISS Radio 99.9 in the 5:00 hour or was it 6:00 Saturday afternoon. Around 5:20 or 6:20. I was driving in a car full of kids.
I tried finding the song listing service but computer is not translating well.
If you can point me to the song or the song search page, I will be really happy.

it’s a song by populady

but is this still the novelty song about learning English? or a totally different song all together that you are looking for?

Yes, Gossip Girl…
Wow, Hansioux, you are amazing. The song about learning English I remembered was the last video you sent me. I had almost given up. I actually only looked at the first two briefly. Thank you.

Now, if I may test if your musical skills go beyond the range of Chinese music. I’m looking for a song that appeared in a science fiction move. Infact, it’s included in anthologies of the greatest movie music ever. Except, I just can’t find it. It is sung by a chorus of women. Kind of Vagner style, though my knowledge of music is Bugs Bunny. I think it accompanies scenes of destruction.
I can’t make out the words but the pattern goes like Bum Bum… Bumbum, Bumbum Bumbum, Bumbum Bumbumbum Buuuum Bumbum.

Thanks for the song about English. It was not my imagination.

Most old sci-fi themes are Wagner-like. However, I get the Phantom Menace theme in my head when I read your description…

very nice this song chines good

I think this may be the tune you’re looking for:

It’s famous for its use in the following scene from Apocalypse Now:

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No, not quite. I know that song better as “Kill THE RABBIT”. If you have not watched the classic Bugs Bunny cartoons you were really deprived a music education. The producers had a really big library of music they could use and they really made use of it.

The song I’m looking for is definitely sung by a chorus. I think they are singing in a foreign language but it definitely is a chorus of women.
I wish I was good at transcribing music, but I’ll use the morse code method… Each sound stands for a sung word which I really can’t make out.
Long long, short short. Long long, short short. Long, Long Long Lonnng long Long. I’m scouring my spotify collection for something. Fifth element seems to ring a bell, but I have not found it yet. Thanks guys.

I FOUND IT, I Found IT. Thanks to a website where you can actually hum the melody. Amazing since people call me tone deaf.
I still can’t find the movie that I heard this song from. All I know is there is a lot of destruction going on. The familiar part starts around 1:39.

The website I used to find the song is called midomi. Honestly I did not expect it to work. Thanks for your help.

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Looks like you have a lot of films to watch… :popcorn:

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Once Again I need the help of the Mighty hansioux. Here is another song that I just can’t find! I really should be able to but my Chinese search skills are weakening.

It’s a tea drinking song done to the Tune of Day-O. Good luck.

Although I know @hansioux likes the challenge and I’m confident he’ll find it. You could also consider downloading Shazam on your phone :wink:

Thanks. I will give it a try. Does it have a lot of Taiwanese and other foreign songs in its database?

It hasn’t failed me yet. For all western, Taiwanese and non-instrumental songs.

The only flaw is that if the environment is too noisy, your mic not pic up the song.

Is that like an ad?

or is it a Taigi song?

Anyway, the first song that comes to mind is this:

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Back when I was just a little girl, our school club got to sing in the production of Carmina Burana. Got to stay up pretty late, as the childen’s part is almost by the end…

Now that we are talking about music in taigi, I wonder how many versions of this one there are. I found this one but it does not seem to be the most common one:

林強 Lin Chung(Lim Giong)【向前走 Marching forward】Official Music Video

Though I really love those shots of how Taipei Main looked eons ago.

There is another one that has been used in Taiwan Beer ad and several movies. Real upbeat, feel good Taiwan song song. I still believe, says the guys in English… can’t find a proper version.

That song is why Kobe Bryant is known as 小飛俠 here in Taiwan. There’s a verse that goes
hûn-iû sù-hái, khóo-pí sī 小飛俠

Mayday’s version is pretty upbeat, but also a bit dated.

A successor to that song I think is this one:

FireEx also performed Hiòng-tsiân-kiânn at Tsai Ying-wen’s inauguration.

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Wow hansioux, you have not failed me yet. You are the guru of Chinese and Taiwanese songs.

Here’s an other I heard a long time ago. I kind of liked the tone but I can’t recall the melody. I would like to hear it again. It’s a song that I think has to do with a man going into a cafe or breakfast shop. It sounds polite. He greets his friends or the people there. I recall there to be some English in it. Maybe not. But what seems to be an upbeat friendly song is really a snarky put down of people. I think he, the character, is mad at the world or something. But the tone is kind of up beat but almost to an extreme. At last that is what my kid told me a few years ago. Too bad she doesn’t or doesn’t want to recall the song.

If you can’t recognize it, no problem. But with your super melodic powers, I think you may be the only one who can.

You have me stumped this time. There are just too many music videos with a cafe setting, I guess because it saves money or something.

The one song about a cafe that pops in my head is this one