Happy thanksgiving!


Remember to stop eating once you’re hurting.

& Happy black friday! :money_with_wings::money_with_wings::money_with_wings:

Happy thanksgiving! Had Indian, lol.

You’re about 6 weeks late, but it’s the thought that counts, I guess


Turkey tikka masala?

I don’t get your reference.

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This Thanksgiving, I’m truly thankful…that I haven’t eaten turkey in over a decade! (nasty tasting bird, if you ask me)


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We Canadians had The True Thanksgiving back in October.

In related news, I heard folks in the US had Canada Day on July 4th this year.
That’s adorable.:heart:


For my Thanksgiving, I’ll be eating turkey rice, paperwork and sadness. Just another day in the R to the O to the C!

Didnt know Canada has a Thanksgiving