Have there been any changes in the requirements for an APRC?

Taiwan Law changed a lot and I heard it also has changes to APRC requirements. Can anyone update the requirements for APRC or complete details and steps? I am working here as a Bilingual Translator for manpower agency.

Changed a lot when? What sources are you referring to?

Without providing new information, the title of your post is misleading and unhelpful to our community. If you’re looking for information, please do a search first. You will find lots of existing threads.


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In most cases, you can find required information at government site, I think.

How does a foreigner apply for an APRC ?(Serial No. 0903)

Submission Directions for Senior Professionals and Investment Immigrants Applying for the Alien Permanent Resident Card (Plum Blossom Card)(Serial No. 0917)

I also though there was a change within a week and you informed it to us.

Many of us would be interested in this. What’s your source?


Oops, sorry. My English is bad.

I intended to say I was also misled by the title.

Got it. That’s my point too.

Thanks for the clarification!


sorry…my bad.

No problem. I hope you find what you’re looking for.
