Healthy drinks in grocery stores

I’ve had some health issues and I have to switch my food choices. I can’t drink anything with much sugar, including all natural fruit juices. I also can’t read Chinese, so does anyone have any suggestions for drinks with little or no sugar or caffeine?

Several companies now make yogurt drinks without sugar. They are widely available, also at 7/11, Family Mart, etc. They usually have the characters “無糖” (no sugar) printed on them.

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Green tea is available without sugar, in 1L bottles, although it’s probably a bit of an acquired taste. Look for the green bottle in the 7-11 refrigerators. IIRC it’s just called ‘日式綠茶’ (Japanese green tea) and has the ‘無糖’ characters in a little red ellipse.

Lager contains some non-fermentable sugars, but generally not a lot.

Honestly, though, the best solution is just to get used to drinking water (get yourself a tapwater filter). Apart from anything else, you’d be surprised how much money you save, which can then be spent on beer.

re. schwarzwald’s suggestion: you can also make your own yoghurt - check the other threads on the subject - and then blend it up with milk and fruit (basically, Indian lassi). Delicious.

For those who like that kind of thing, you can also buy sugar free soya bean milk, brown rice milk and oat milk in the super market.

There are just a few choices for no.sugar yoghurt, I suspect some might not be entirely truthful about the no sugar claim though. They still taste kind of sweet.