History of Opium in South-East Asia


When I worked with the Hmong(Meo) Hilltribes, I read quite a bit about their historical involvement with the CIA and drug trafficing. Try doing a search on General Vang Pao he was the Commander of Hmong troops which grew much of the opium supposedly shipped by the CIA. You could also do a search on a General Tuan Shi-wen he was in charge of the KMT forces forced into the Shan States of Burma and Mae Salong in Northern Thailand. He was also supposed to have been CIA backed and that essentially kicked off the Golden Triangle poppy growing region later taken over by Khun Sa.

You could also do research into USAID and a character called Pop Dual (Dool) I forget. He was the point person and field officer for USAID in Laos at the time of the ‘Secret War’.He is the man credited with galvenzing Hmong tribes to support the US efforts against the lowland Lao.