How to divorce a Taiwanese marriage?

I would like to ask for some advice.

My Taiwanese wife and I (English) married in Taipei 8 years ago. Since then we have bought a house and have a child (8 months) and are living in England. Our marriage has become a loveless one, and if it weren’t for our child we would have divorced already and often spoke about it. There has been a lot of anger, frustration and little communication or love between us and we haven’t slept together since our child was conceived. Sadly after 8 years there is little attraction either.

I am finding things intolerable, there’s a lot of hostility and anger. Suffice to say, I think it would be best all round if we separated and got divorced.

Because we have been living in the UK for the last 8 years I wonder how I would initiate a divorce? We registered in a Taipei household registration office for our marriage. How would child care and maintenance be dealt with under Taiwanese law?

Sorry to hear that …

I am not a british citzien, so I have no idea under which terms your wife is staying legally in the UK.

Based from reading it is you who wants to divorce, and well, welcome to go all these threads here
(especially Northcoast surfers’ one).

I hope your wife is co-operating with you, otherwise, well …