How to make an English school into a Haunted House

Bobbit box??? :astonished:

If you want to make realistic looking blood, mix corn syrup with food coloring. Sticky as hell, but works. That’s what they do in the moooovies.

I probably wont use fake blod during the dissection. Water in a squirty bottle will allow me to squirt the crowd.

Ahhhh…just the thought of jetting blood: disgusting. :smiling_imp:

Check out “Balloon Manor”, the haunted house made entirely from balloons:

And the edible bread body parts, seen at makezine.comare just plain great!

It makes me feel so hungry. All of these are edible!

The artist, an art student from Thailand, says:
"Along with edible human heads crafted from dough, chocolate, raisins and cashews, Kittiwat makes human arms, feet, and chicken and pig parts. He uses anatomy books and his vivid memories of visiting a forensics museum to create the human parts. “When people see the bread, they don’t want to eat it. But when they taste it, it’s just normal bread,” he said. “The lesson is 'don’t judge just by outer appearances.”

oh my god!

puke city!

I rike it!

Some recent updates:

The front door:

Front desk

Im getting anxious. :slight_smile:

Some great ideas here.
I am also going to prepare a haunted house but due to space restrictions can’t get started on it until Saturday morning. I prefer that the kids not see any of it until Monday. It has to be something suitable for kids 6-15. I am hoping it won’t be too traumatic for the little ones but the older ones will will have nightmares for at least a few weeks. I have a bet with some of them, if they don’t scream they win, but if any of them cry I win.

Here are the final preparations for the Haunted House which we finished up Friday evening.

We put up a huge black curtain to make a “tunnel of terror” for the kids to walk thorugh on their way out.

The kids made some giant balloon spiders and we set them loose.

They also made some balloon ghosties. Jdson is getting excited about the 'morrow.

A last minute idea, a black room with a tv playing static and some scarecrows set to look like comatose tv viewers. You see the flash effect, the room is near pitch black.

And on to the real thing!

:laughing: It looks brilliant!

Im sure the kids will never forget this :wink:

Do you do a similar revamp for Christmas, Easter etc? I remember here in Australia that the teachers would have us making xmas decorations etc for at least the last month of the school year.

Perhaps it was ‘pointless busy work’ but it was awesome fun at the time :smiley:

Hope to see some pics of terrified children very soon, jdsmith :wink:

We showed up early to finish up the little things, make a few more scarecrows for loose bodies on the floor, etc.

Then they are arrived!

Our greeter behind the desk. Always smiling.

More and more kids showed up and most in costume.

Ninja hiding in wait. This room is almost competely dark, so when he jumped, they ran…literally.

The witch took them to the back rooms to watch a scary video and then to operating room.

Jdsurgeon rips the guts out of jdson.

Things got busy and we had to speed things up, but I think everyone had a good time and didn’t mind waiting.

Oh, and dry ice DOES NOT really work with coffee!

And Belgian Pie stopped by and got some good group pics after the show was over,

A great great time, exhausting, but IMHO it was worth it. And for the school owners, it really didnt cost all that much. :slight_smile:


Awesome pics! Thanks for sharing, jdsmith

Nice to see that you managed to find some dry ice - that stuff is PERFECT for a haunted house :wink:

[quote=“pubba”]:lol: It looks brilliant!

Im sure the kids will never forget this :wink:

Do you do a similar revamp for Christmas, Easter etc? I remember here in Australia that the teachers would have us making xmas decorations etc for at least the last month of the school year.

Perhaps it was ‘pointless busy work’ but it was awesome fun at the time :smiley:

Hope to see some pics of terrified children very soon, jdsmith :wink:[/quote]

The kids all had a great time, only one crier. This was the first time we ever did anything on this scale. Xmas should be interesting. Easter? No thanks. I can see me up on the cross…bad idea. :smiling_imp:

I think busy for the kids is good. It includes them and they feel more into the whole process.

I forgot to add that the scariest thing there was the pencilthin moustachio that I was sporting…
as usual, no one notince…

Btw who is the cutie in the kimono?

That would be my wife. :laughing:

Looks like a lot of fun work went into this! I ruv haunted houses! Too bad only one kid cried…heheheh…I ruv scaring the shit outta kids.


It put the willies up me, and I didn’t even go :help:

Great pics, JD! I bet those kids had a brilliant time.

[quote=“jdsmith”]Jdsurgeon rips the guts out of jdson.
[/quote]What did you use for the guts, in the end?

That would be my wife. :laughing:[/quote]

:blush: :blush:

Envy…rising… :laughing: :notworthy:

Here’s a look at some of the creepies that showed up to scare the kids at Halloween. It’s amazing what some garbage bags, a scary soundtrack and the right lighting can do to a classroom. I almost went out and bought a blue light but realized an insect zapper would give me what I needed.