I want these scooters off the streets!

Just wanted to let you all know I’m going through this Interesting thread.

Serious question to you all: would you be OK with your loved ones… especially daughters and wives scooting to and from work or uni in this weather? Doesn’t it break your heart ?

The only ones who ride in my family are me and my wife’s asshole sister, so no…


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I thought you were warm and snug at home with your cup of hot chocolate

No. First I have to ride there…on my scooter…in the rain…

How’s your stinky rain coat? Does it smell foul? Gotta hang that shit up to dry boy

The Gortex is fresh and dry…for now.

Watch those white painted crossings and man holes…that shit is slippery man

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Thanks. I’ve been doing it for decades, so I know the ropes. I’m more worried about getting sprayed with muddy water by a Toyota Wish taxi.

These are the days when Four wheels good, Two wheels bad means something.

I’m happy to see every single scooter. That’s one less car on the road making traffic heavier.


Size comparison


In the old country, doing that would warrant a well deserved keying.

In Taiwan, having cameras everywhere will allow the douchebag to go unpunished.

Humm, if you want the Chinese car (Volvo=Chinese brand) moved, call the police. The breakdown(Tow) lorry driver will be happy with extra fees he gets from the car owner.

Dr did you hang up your raincoat last night so it’s dry for today? Do you have those feet covers too? Those were fun

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How would you tow in that situation though? For street repairs they carry the cars out with a fork lift.

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The tow truck guys at GTOger get pretty creative.

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Yes, dry as a bone. I was always curious about those shoe covers, but never pulled the trigger. Have you tried them?

Yes sir I have. Slippery little fockers

You just need to buy better ones, then.
The ones I use help a lot. They are built in the rain suit, tho.

I noticed Taiwanese have upgraded their scooter raincoats these days.
Not everybody looks like a moving tent anymore. :grin:

What I hate though is when it rains for days on end and your rain gear is still half wet from the day before . That sucks ! And the feet getting wet could be hard to avoid .