If you could be a tree, any tree, what kind would you be? and why?

This climate change is really getting to me. I don’t know whether to root or leave… or maybe do both…

Vit D can help shake off winter blues. Spring is coming…

Is it rude to root and leave? Should I pretend that I care? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Today, I am a taco or maybe a tamale tree. Not sure what the difference would be and I don’t care either!

Today, I am a rubber tree… a RUBBER tree.

Today I’m a carnivorous bonsai.

Today I am not yew.

Today, I am a chocolate chip tree…

I would like very much to be a coat hanger stand.

Today, I am all about sensitiviTREE. We should NEVER say things that hurt others… it is VERY important that even our expressions do not hurt their feelings… it is all about feelings and how we feel about them and especially how I feel about them… even though others may feel different… there is no right or wrong… we are all the same… unless I feel that we are not and then it is your problem and not mine… see how that works? SENSITIVITREE!!!

Today I am watercress.

I am not sure that watercress is a tree. Help? Others? Opinions? Foul?

Definitely a solid cedar oak. My favorite tree!

I am not familiar with a “cedar” oak. Do you have a picture to prove the existence of your “claimed” tree…

Now, I am a Miami tree. I KNOW that I had better be able to swim… imminent disaster… I guess that I had better “leave” fast ahahahahaahahah

Today, THIS MINUTE, I am a typing tree… I am sure that with evolution somewhere somehow there must be a typing tree and if there is! Lo! Behold! I type! I am a tree! I exist!

Today, I am a synthetic fashion tree that wants to have children… oh those little acorns!

Today I am most definitely a jungle… and that is a whole lot of TREES!!!

I have a dream. I have had it before. In the dream, I am a tree.

In my dream, I am a speaking tree and apparently I can write too!