I'm embarrassed to live in Taiwan

You know guys, all this bitching about Taiwan not being just like home is really getting to me. Enough already. If you don’t like it, leave. If you don’t like it and can’t leave, shut up, suck it up, and make the best out of your situation. Come on, be a man (woman)!

You are all beginning to sound like a bunch of pansies.

I always pictured expats, trekers, foreign exchange people, travelers, and the such to be people of high adventure. People daring to go to places that people only read about in travel magazines and see on the discovery channel. People willing to roll up their sleeves, get down and dirty with the locals, and take a big ass bite out of life. Instead all I am seeing is the equivelant of a cruise ship full of old farts who complain that their filet mingon is too cold, their room is a bit stuffy, and their depends are too tight. :grandpa:

I say to you…Jump Ship! Get a grip on your life and make something better of it, get a new hobby, find a new love, open your eyes a bit wider and look at how fortunate you are…most poor suckers never see what you have seen let alone live it. Better yet, look deep inside yourself and find out what is missing that you can fill to make your life a bit more meaningful and enjoyable.

Call me optomistic, call me a fool, call me what you will…but from now on I am steering clear of these negative forums that suck you in and destroy your positive state of mind.

Good luck to you all, i truly hope you can find what can make you happy.