Kidney stone/exercise problem

Anybody give me advice on this?

Over the course of the last few days I passed a kidney stone (I’ve now had 3 in my life, the last required a stent) cue terrible pain, pissing blood, 2 trips to the hospital for various x rays and stuff, various strong painkillers you name it… I’m fine(ish) now but still a bit sore…

But… after giving me the all clear, my doctor said I should watch out as some forms of vigorous exercise can aggrevate the condition. I’ll be the first to admit I don’t exercise as much as I should, but he didn’t tell me which exercises I should keep away from… any ideas? :help:

I want to take this as a cue to get my sorry arse in shape


Dehydration through reduced fluid intake or strenuous exercise without adequate fluid replacement increases the risk of kidney stones.


Painter : Kidney stones . . . are crystalline structures that typically contain phosphate or calcium oxalate as the sole or major component. There is no single explanation of the cause and development of stones. In all probability, stones result from the interaction of multiple factors, many of which are as yet unknown. . . .

Mahan : Kidney stones may form in the kidney, in the ureter draining the urine from the kidney, or in the bladder in susceptible individuals. This usually occurs secondary to a urinary tract infection or in individuals who have high urinary calcium excretion, a condition that is most commonly inherited as a predisposition in some families or seen in relation to excessive calcium and/or vitamin D intake.

The most likely candidates for a kidney stone are people with a family history of calcium, oxalate or uric acid stones. Less common, high urinary oxalate excretion, as seen with diets high in oxalate or from excessive vitamin C intake, or high uric acid excretion, as seen in some families related to high protein intake, may lead to stone formation.

Eichner : Men are more likely to form stones than women because men have more calcium and uric acid in their urine, and because men are more likely to work in the heat and become dehydrated. It is dehydration, not exercise per se that increases the risk of stone formation.
Because most stones contain calcium, doctors have long told stone victims to cut calcium by avoiding dairy products. This advice may fall out of favor. A recent study finds that men who eat the most calcium have the lowest risk of stones. Why? Because calcium binds oxalate in the gut, so it passes in the stool and does not enter the body. Sodium per se is not a key risk for renal stones, yet cutting sodium can lower the risk of stones in susceptible persons. This is because sodium and calcium seem to compete for absorption by renal tubules. So the less sodium you eat, the less calcium stays in the urine.

Mahan : Nevertheless, sodium-induced calcium stones in susceptible individuals probably occur as a result of chronic exposure to sodium. Very prolonged intake of excess sodium would be required to develop the high urine sodium excretion that apparently contributes to this condition.

Painter : Epidemiologically, it is shown that the incidence of stone disease is highest at 30-50 years of age, with a higher incidence in whites vs. blacks. The highest incidence occurs during the months of July, August, and September, presumably related to dehydration, which is more common during these times. Other observations indicate that sedentary individuals are more susceptible, as are those with professional or managerial occupations.
To expand on Dr. Eichner’s comment on exercise, the dehydration resulting from exercise increases the concentration of calcium and oxalate in the urine. . . . .

Eichner : The
most critical tip to preventing stones is to quaff fluids - two or more liters per day - to keep the urine dilute
. Other dietary tips include eating more potassium (which somehow lowers urinary calcium excretion), cutting oxalate-rich foods (such as tea, chocolate, and peanuts), avoiding large doses of vitamin C (in the urine, vitamin C turns partly into oxalate), and reducing animal protein in the diet.[/quote]

In summary, exercise does not in itself increase the risk of recurring kidney stones, but rather dehydration. AND, whether you exercise or NOT if you have a history of stones you need to DRINK DRINK DRINK (not beer either). And, then reduce your sodium intake as well as the other dietary suggestions in the quote. Hope this helps.


[quote]Types of Kidney Stone
There are four main types of kidney stone; those that are made up of calcium, uric acid, struvite, and cystine.

Calcium Type: This is the most common of the four types of kidney stone, the extra calcium that does not get used in bone and muscle development stays in the kidneys rather than being excreted in urine by the kidneys. This waste product builds up and forms a kidney stone.

Cystine Type: This type of kidney stone is rare. Like calcium, cystine is a mineral used to build and maintain a healthy body.It contributes to muscles, and nerves as well as other body parts. Cystine stones run in families.

Uric Acid
Type: This form of kidney stone occurs when there is too much acid in the urine.

Struvite Type: This type of kidney stone can form after an infection in the urinary system. These stones also contain the mineral magnesium and a waste product called ammonia.[/quote]

Preventing Kidney Stones
From Jerry Kennard,
Your Guide to Men’s Health.
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Home Remedies to Prevent Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are very painful and can reoccur. Preventing kidney stones does depend on the type of stone you had previously, but there are some general rules to help you prevent them.

Drink regular fluids. 10 to 12 good sized glasses each day. This ‘flushes’ the kidneys and urinary tubes. Kidney stones can make you more susceptible to urinary infections, drinking water helps prevent those infections.

Spread fluid intake evenly throughout the day. You want the fluids to dilute the substances that produce the stones, e.g. calcium, from building up.

Drink water. This should account for at least half of your fluid intake.

Drink more fluids in hot weather- your body needs more to regulate it’s temperature.

Lemonade, (real lemonade made with lemons) is very good for you.

The citrate helps prevent infection.
Your doctor may ask you to change your diet. It depends on which type of kidney stone you are prone to. Your doctor may ask you to cut back on meat, salt, foods high in oxalate such as chocolate, nuts or green leaf vegetables.

Your doctor may prescribe medication to help kidney stone formation such as Allopurinol, pencillamine, diuretics, potassium citrate are just some of the drugs that can help, but drug type will depend on the type of stone or underlying condition.[/quote]

I too had a few kidney stones a short while ago. Same symptoms as you described above (severe pain, peeing blood). I assume that also in my case dehydration was the main factor. I simply did not drink enough during the day. Now I am drinking some 3 ~ 5 liters (mainly water) per day and everything is fine.

As Bodo already mentioned in the quotes he posted, no exercise will cause you problems as long as you drink enough.

Just for your reference, IMHO the best hospital for kidney stone related problems is the Cathay General Hospital (國泰) in Renai Rd. They have a fantastic X-ray equipment, which produces crisp clear images. The images are digital so that the doctor can zoom in and see if small stones are left in either one of your kidneys. On normal X-ray pictures you cannot see them.

Wow, EYE had kidney stones a few months back too. It wasn’t the localized pain that got to me but the chronic abdominal pain that went on for hours rendering me useless somehwere near a bathroom.
That was my second encounter with the blessings.

Anyway, I do believe that the advice given by the doc is a little misleading. My understanding is that these little bastards form for a number of reasons, as mentioned above, however to continual drinking of fluid (something I struggle with unless it’s beer) keeps the flow moving in the kidneys, so any crystals that start to form will ideally be washed thru without you really noticing. As for the exercise issue, once there is a stone in the kidney, it is true that exercise can bring on the movement of the stone, and with it the associated pain etc. IMHO this is a GOOD thing. The last thing you want is for the stone to stay where it is and just get bigger, cos that will eventually require keyhole surgery to remove or it will kill you.

So, my understanding is this: Drink rots of water, and do rots of exercise.

Even without susceptibility to Renal Colic it makes good sense to drink plenty of H2O and have regular exercise.

I have had urethral stones (niaodao jieshi) three times, all since living in Taiwan. I limped to hospital the first time thinking I had appendicitis. The other two times I did not bother because I knew what it was and I didn’t want any more X-rays - I just drank lots of water, apple juice and a few beers, and some cider in a pub in Tokyo. One of the stones came out after I had a bottle of beer at the beef noodle place on Shi-Da Road.

OK, I know beer is not recommended, but this was when the stones were already formed and the aim was to flush them out.

No mention above of coffee. Drinking coffee actually causes dehydration because it is a diuretic. Better not drink too much of it, or drink more water to compensate. (Please note this is an unqualified opinion).

i would “assume” anything that’s TOO intensive…that you’re going beyond the limits, like when you run TOO Hard…but it’s probably best to check with the doctor for sure!

No mention above of coffee. Drinking coffee actually causes dehydration because it is a diuretic. Better not drink too much of it, or drink more water to compensate. (Please note this is an unqualified opinion).[/quote]

That might not be true. Here are links to a couple relevant scientific abstracts: … med_docsum … med_docsum

You people need to drink more. I try to keep aware of the color of my pee. If it starts becoming as dark as apple juice…I drink more water. I try to keep my pee as colorless (diluted) as possible.