Lawyers Who Know English

I thought that this might be a great place to get information on finding a lawyer.

Whatever the case may be, foreigners should know how to find a lawyer especially one who knows English well.

Maybe each post could identify a certain lawyer to a particular case.

Maybe some of us have worked with a lawyer who needs to be recommended.

I will start off and ask who knows any good lawyers in the Taipei area?

Honestly, I (by whom I mean my friend who did much of the hunting for me) had better luck finding a lawyer by specialization, and then by asking about English service second.

So, if you have an intellectual property case, find intellectual property lawyers, and then see what the firms offer in terms of English support.

I like my lawyer so far, but we’re just getting started. He writes English well.

Through forumosa some time ago, i found mine who specializes on Intellectual Property but I am sure h could have with general questions or direct you to other ones. Very nice person indeed.

Kevin Ke (柯一嘉)
His office is somewhere in nanjing street in Taipei but cannot find now his business card.