Legalized prostitution zones in Taiwan

It’s not like he made that up. Wanhua and Guisui Street are the traditional areas for it in Taipei.

Oh, interesting.

Is there like a list somewhere? I’m curious to see what someone defines as a brothel.

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If you read Chinese, I found the below.

全台11公娼館 可原地營業 (as of 2011)

桃園市民權街巷內 「天天樂」




中華民國第 3 次國家報告
2017 年 6 月

6.32 2011 年《社會秩序維護法》第 91 條之 1 修正通過後,地方政府得依地方自治精神,制定《性交易管理自治條例》並指定得性交易區域;惟至 2016年,尚無地方政府著手規劃設置。目前我國現存合法之性交易場所,仍存6 家 21 名性交易服務者,其中臺中市 3 家 2 人、桃園市 1 家 8 人、宜蘭縣1 家 7 人、澎湖縣 1 家 4 人,依「不得新設、逐漸淘汰」之管理原則,達自然淘汰之目的。

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“that the age of prostitutes is about 50 years old and that the tourists are also elderly people”.

Your attempt is laughable. Escorting is a choice, but sex workers in brothels are, most of the time, forced into such position.

Do you personally know actual working sex workers are you’re just pulling words out of your ass? How do you know that there isn’t any human trafficking in Europe? How do you know that there is literally “zero coercion”? In fact, you can’t be more wrong:

Sure, according to you, the health/safety risk and the social stigma are certainly the same for a fry cook at McDonalds and a prostitute.

There are PLENTY of rich people in India, therefore India is rich.

If you insist on completely disregarding the systematic oppression, extreme negative stigma, and potential physical/mental trauma of prostitution with some outlier, urban myth “happy hooker” stories, I don’t think there’s anything to be said.

I think we can agree that prostitution is more hazardous than most jobs in fast food, but perhaps it’s less hazardous than some kinds of “blue collar” work.

As for social stigma (which is sometimes even built into law), it depends on which circles you move in. :2cents: :money_mouth_face: :family_man_woman_girl_boy: :latin_cross: :church: :face_with_monocle:

Speaking of gigolos, I’m curious as to how they fit into Comrade @Politbureau’s conspiracy theory. When “not-so-attractive” older women tricked and/or coerced male dominated legislatures in various countries into criminalizing prostitution (or at least the purchase of sexual services), were “not-so-attractive” older men also hoping to win rich and attractive younger wives (and husbands) in the process? :ponder:


You’re glossing over everything I said about trafficking, about coercion, and about regulation in order to score points with some made up thing about “happy hookers.” I think that’s something you concocted, because I said nothing of the sort. How’d you like the article I linked, btw? Did you even read it? So anyway you say there’s “nothing more to be said”, but then you take this classy, parting shot.

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Back to the “most sex workers are sex slaves” myth so all sex work should be criminalized. Just admit it. You push patently laughable myths about the nature of sex work in Taiwan because you feel threatened by it. It has nothing to do with protecting or respecting the life choices of sex workers themselves.

It’s really simple in fact. The people who should decide whether sex work in Taiwan should be criminalized or not because “they’ve been coerced into it”” are Taiwan’s sex workers themselves. If a legitimate study shows they want to be rescued by society then so be it. If, on the other hand, they report that they want to be left alone to choose for themselves whether to have consensual sex for money then it’s time to start minding your own business.

No. The people who should decide are Taiwan’s nationals.

They have. Consensual sex for money between adults is legal in Taiwan. You and some self-appointed morality police are the ones having trouble dealing with it.

to clarify, I’ve never said “most sex workers are sex slaves” so, or by any reasons, all sex work should be criminalized.

Traditionally in Taiwan there was little social stigma. If you had the bad luck to be born third daughter in a poor family, off to the brothel you went. Once a month you’d jump on the train and go back home to hand over your earnings. The brothels would adopt in sons to compensate for the fact prostitutes couldn’t get married and raise families.

How do I know all this? I once read a book by two German sociologists who spent the 1970s researching the subject in Taiwan. Also I had a girlfriend who’s own grandfather was raised in a brothel in Beitou.


This was directed at Gain, right?

I’m really looking forward to his description of how threatened he feels by prostitutes. :slight_smile:

It’s possible to object to your model of democracy (“only people who are directly involved in something should have the right to vote on it”) without taking any position on whether or not a particular outcome of a democratic process (which didn’t use your model anyway) is good or bad. :slight_smile:

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If your core argument for criminalization is based on the fact that you’re rescuing someone maybe they should be consulted first to confirm whether they want and need to be rescued by you. Otherwise you’re just another pimp with an ulterior motive forcing your services on the unwilling.

Your post is vague now. Who is “you” in your post?

If I’m included in “you”, my argument for criminalization is not based on rescuing someone, and I’m not arguing much on de/criminalization itself. Just arguing the decision making process you are claiming.

I understand your argument, tando. It’s not up to sex workers whether they want to be rescued by the morality police or not. It’s up to the morality police. That argument was popular in the 19th century in western democracies but it’s in disfavor today except in places like Saudi Arabia and among die-hard patriarchists and feminists so, for a westerner, it’s like arguing the pros and cons of child labor, indentured servitude or criminalizing abortion.

If you asked the children of that couple in California, the students and alumni of the “Sandcastle Day School”, would they have said they wanted to be rescued?

(Note that I am still not taking a position on how best to deal with prostitution, just agreeing with Tando that your argument has a major flaw.)

yeah, castration, exactly. remember that cult in CA about um… 20 years ago?
they were expecting aliens to come and get them and consented to castration. some of them claimed they liked the freedom from desire.