Let's not talk about Hillary.

:grinning: A better one would have been to tell me you weren’t talking about Trump not denouncing them, you meant Richard Spencer :rofl:

Well at least I know you are not on the Antifa mailing list. Supposed to be having some big circle jerk today, or could just be a larp on 4 chan setting up the whole thing. Being Antifa and dumb as a bag of rocks, they will probably turn up anyway.

I think I got your meaning on that first bit. Zing.

Yeah. I support Antifa in terms of the idea. On the surface, its a good idea. Who wouldn’t be anti Fascist? But, as you delve further in, its just a collection of people looking or a reason to bitch. Kinda like the rightwing media…zing!

Yes, I am quite happy with that.

Hey, your from the UK…is The Sun owned by Murdoch?

Yup. He can take credit for that one, forgotten about the bum newspaper.

The go-to newspaper for all the latest breaking T&A news!

I think we just found common ground. You can have him back.

That explains all “The Sun” links in a NY Post article I was reading.

Actually, I am well aware that 45 supporters and non, both have a lot in common. More than either side would actually care to admit.

The Guardian is a lefty rag then? The Times? I don’t know but I am curious.

Is that the “page 3” paper?

I’m sure I wouldn’t know…I only read The Telegraph.

Ibby’s Law:
When wacky people go left, it proves how wacky the left is. When wacky people go right, it’s irrelevant. :grinning:

Nope, earlier we were comparing supporters and not making assumptions on politicians based on their supporters, but I knew 100% this point was going to come up :slight_smile:

That’s not what post 126 looks like. :idunno:

Which part of my post points out that it’s ok to judge politician X based on the acts of his/her/its supporters? :roll_eyes:


But if you insist, I’ll take your word for it.

Back on target.

So it appears the emails may have been altered before release. Interesting that the article mentions “airbrushed” as the guy printed them out and went to town on them. Why don’t they just say “photoshopped”?

It appears Guccifer could not make his mind what language he understood or spoke.

Read through that and agree with the first part, Fancy Bear as they call them, I called them Pawn Storm which is another name for them and I think more accurately describe them and they have other names like APT28 among others. It should be noted the CIA has the ability to create the same footprint, but for obvious reasons they wouldn’t have, not to say another state actor wouldn’t have done.

From there the story diverges, I don’t believe the DNC information was hacked remotely for a variety of reasons. I believe Guccifer 2.0 was DNC cover, one of the first things from that account was DNC opposition research on Donald Trump, for people following that account waiting for the dirt to drop on the Clintons and the DNC this proof of hacking was the very opposite of what we expected.

Indeed, if the data from the DNC was downloaded locally, which seems more likely there would be no Guccifer 2.0. If it were Pawn Storm, there would also be no Guccifer 2.0 because thats not their style, if it were some random hacker they would have been traced, much more likely than not. Guccifer 2.0 served another purpose, which was to draw attention to things like Trumps opposition research by the Democrats, claim credit for the “hack”, blame the hack on Russia, create the narrative Wikileaks works for the Russians and so on. Nothing from Guccifer 2.0 wasn’t already in the possession of Wikileaks. It was cover, pure and simple.

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I honestly think both sides are getting worked up over, apparently, nothing. Well, not exactly. Oh, let me explain. The right is going goo-goo over the DNC emails that really do not say anything, except a bunch of political backstabbing, but that is par for the course in politics. Take one for the team, either voluntarily or otherwise.

For the record, I hate Hillary Clinton. I hate the Clintons. Pretty much on par with my feelings toward 45. They exerted way too much control over the DNC. She was “awarded” SecState not for experience, but part of a deal for her to bow out of a race that she was losing. People think she took over the part in 2015. No. She did it in 2009. She was ordained the successor. Bill had one, ONE shinning moment in his career. Just one, only one. I hate the DNC it what it has become. Every member of the DNC may as well switch to the GOP. They are the leftwing of the GOP. The GOP has become the party of “give billionaires more of your money and more control of the economy and your rights and thank us for the privilege to do so.”

That said.

The John Le Carre in me is says multiple groups were using each other and minor agents to keep their hands clean, hence all the confusion over who did what. Hell, maybe Barack Obama authorized the CIA or his shadow government to sabotage her for her failures as SecState.

That’s not the idea. That’s the marketing. Learn to tell the difference. The idea is what they actually do: try to beat people up and then run away when their victims start hitting back. Can you support that idea? Because that IS the actual idea.

(Who wouldn’t be anti-fascist? Antifa wouldn’t, that’s who.)

Back on topic…

Donna Brazile is far from a trustworthy narrator, and I wouldn’t take what she says at face value. But the very fact that she’s saying it - that’s worth discussing.

Nothing fails like failure, and now it’s the blame game. Both of these women were up to their elbows in the muck. Blame them both. What a team.

Look at what she’s alleging. She who pays the piper calls the tune. The corporation was a mess due to previous fiscal mismanagement, and a white knight investor came in and took over. In another context, this would be perfectly reasonable. What makes it corruption? The disingenuous-ness of it all. Pretense seems to be a theme here… If they hadn’t pretended it was a democratic process, and instead had been upfront about it all, there’d be no scandal. It was simply business - pretending to be something more than just business.

But they had to go call themselves a Democratic party. Put it right in the name. Just more marketing, as it turns out. At least Andrew Jackson enfranchised cranky old white men from the mountains.

So why do we have primaries again?


Real News ?

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If that were Trump you’d never hear the end of it on MSM, be running 24/7 on every news outlet

If I look hard enough, I think I might be able to see something under her coat.

Did she gain 20kg after the election? She looks like the Michelin guy, but more disgusting.