Let's talk about Trump

Trump said in plain English, Mexicans in this country are rapists, murderers, and gun runners. And some, “I assume” are good people.[/quote]

He’s talking about illegal immigration, something you fail to note in you’re not very accurate but common representation of “facts”.

Trump said in plain English, a Mexican is not fit to preside over his case, BECAUSE he’s of Mexican heritage. Born in America of course, but Mexican heritage disqualifies him from being a judge.[/quote]

Remember Michael Brown and the black community questioning if a white prosecutor could be fair and impartial, I don’t recall a peep out of anyone, and this was someone who had no instances or ties or any reason to suspect he was racist, but hey, it’s ok for the black community to suggest he’s racist because of the color of his skin. This judge, who sponsored illegal immigrants, had numerous ties to organisations which are Mexican including la Raza association of lawyers, not to be confused with the hate and supremisist group la raza which is linked to on their website. As usual you tend to leave out a lot of relevant information.

Never said he’s awesome, I don’t think hes a fraction the racist the left is portraying him to be either.

It’s truly unbelievable that you’re ok with him saying that. Not only ok with it, repeating it as if it represents your views. Oh no he didn’t say anything hateful, he just said we should ban an entire religious group of one quarter of the worlds population until Mr Trump can have a real think on the subject. :astonished: [/quote]

What I do know is saying “Islam is the religion of peace” and claiming all these acts of terror have nothing to do with Islam is not working. Trump wants a conversation and all the left has provided thus far is “raciiiiist” I expect more, especially when you look at travel advisories to many of these countries like Pakistan that basically say “dont go there, you have a high risk of being killed or kidnapped because youre an American” but if you raise the question “if it’s too dangerous for an American to go to Pakistan, should we worry about people of Pakistan coming to America?” you’re a racist.

As you are well aware, I’m as anti Islamist as anybody and have talked at length about my issues with Islamists and the problems that set of messed up religious beliefs continue to bring to the world. But just FYI Mick, Muslim doesn’t mean Islamist. A temporary ban on all Muslims? You’re ok with a potential future President to call for a ban on a religion? Trump and his supporters truly are bringing shameful days on the country. [/quote]

For the record Im not anti Islam or Muslim, people who wish to follow their faith and allow other people to do the same are fine by me. I draw the line when they espouse the idea that they can dictate what religion a person should choose or if they are not of the right sexuality they should be killed.

You don’t like my Hitler reference (which is quite fitting actually) fine, how about Japanese internment camps? Ringing a bell? Oh no we don’t hate Japanese people. Of course we can’t have them freely roaming the streets, but no we don’t hate them. We’ll just gather them up and put them all up in a sweet little camp until we have a real think on the issues.

You know what they say about not learning from History…[/quote]

I don’t mind your Hitler reference, it reflects more on you than anything else. Look, Im not going to be some apologist for Trump while you make up and distort facts, but talking about internment camps and Hitler is just nonsense. Trump has certainly made some comments I disagree with 100%. On climate change he seems to be a loon, on torture and terrorists families very wrong, yeah, banning Muslims entering the US is completely wrong, but a conversation regarding some places which have been increasingly moving to radical Islam and how to screen them properly is a conversation that is needed. How you do that when the left is saying “it’s got nothing to do with Islam” I don’t know.