Let's talk about Trump

The Republicans freaking out the most right now are the Christian conservatives watching as their golden boy Cruz is getting the crap kicked out of him. Watching the most liberal and least religious Republican presidential candidate in living memory win a larger share of evangelical voters must be really disorienting. I guess all the “Tea Party” Trump fans never really cared about those conservative values as much as they just wanted the opportunity to stick it to the Mexicans and Muslims.

While it pains me to even think about a Trump nomination/presidency, it would likely result in the destruction of the GOP. So at least we have that to look forward to.

Always look on the bright side of life…

Trump stands to win the GOP nomination.

Will take a Clinton to defeat this Godzilla.

So let’s have crap from a different animal.

The majority of voters will once again get what they richly deserve, having failed to learn from past mistakes. But the collateral damage… how will intelligent and decent people cope with the collapse of Weimar America?[/quote]

‘Every nation gets the government it deserves,’ or so some old French dude said. He also said we need an executioner to bind society together.

Anyway, the Americans voted in the Bush Wackers, Ray-gun, a Peanut Farmer, King Arthur, a Teddy Bear, two Nuclear Holocausts, a Black Doughnut Who Can’t, and a Cigar Wielding Dildoic Maniac, I mean, how the fuck are they going to Trump that?

I’m not sure what decent people will do, but I’m sure intelligent ones wouldn’t bet against America in the first place. That strategy hasn’t ever worked out and given the state of all the other major economies of the world in the last decade, it seems to me America’s best days may well be ahead.

Even if God forbid Mr. trust fund baby got elected President (which he won’t because Bernie or Hillary will crush that fool) I think America would be just fine in the long run.

[quote=“BrentGolf”]and given the state of all the other major economies of the world in the last decade, it seems to me America’s best days may well be ahead.

Ahead of what? The Renaissance followed the Roman Empire… eventually. And only a fool would have bet against the Roman Empire.

Sorry for the nitpicking:

“Bombing the shit out of em” is still less scary than other’s “let’s see if sand can glow” or flat-out “carpet bombing”.

“Ban Muslims” sure is one of his tag lines, but when pressed in some interviews, of course, he starts talking about exceptions and places of origin. Plus not even the most blowhard evangelical conservative would deny access to some random philipino or indonesian, all just primary rhetoric. Quite fascinating that he got some of the other candidates to kinda support him on this one.

Cuba, all i heard was him railing against wet/dry feet. Considering the recent normalization of relationships, that seems quite an okay thing to push against. Other than from the top of my hat he is just fine with the course of Obama’s administration. I think you might have confused the Trumpster’s with Rubio’s standpoint here.

The last one is scary though, not only about trade/aid, but to some extent “Pax Americana” is effective. Should the US cease to look out for “others” and cease to enforce e.g. free trade routes around the globe, now that would be bad news. In a way Trumps statements seem dangerously close to isolationism.

Manzanar, Minidoka are leftovers from another age and another society. There is nothing to worry about.
Similar to how the EU is painted often as the one thing keeping Europe away from the brick of war…

Also, who says China is manipulating currency? Trump? America? As the saying goes one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. The same can be applied here. One mans currency manipulator is another mans free market choice to govern and guide ones own policies in the best interest of their own economy :slight_smile: [/quote]

Ronald McDonald’s Big Mac :smiley:

double post

I wasn’t saying that as sensationalism. I truly believe that somebody of Trumps mentality could be pushed to such lengths, as I think some of the other Republicans could as well. If he was President and there was another major terrorist attack like 9/11 caliber, I honestly think Trump is just the kind of guy that might actually do something like that.

Get used to the idea. This is not a drill.

Still not convinced people won’t see through this mans career of lies before it’s too late. Mitt Romney saying there might be a bombshell in Trumps taxes shouldn’t be dismissed. I think when the time comes for Trump to release back taxes it’s going to show one of two things. Either he’s not nearly as rich as he says he is (by a factor of about 1/3 of what he claims) or if he is he’s been dodging taxes for years. Either way it won’t look good.

I’m sure when he is exposed he’ll try to claim that “math” is the stupidest thing in the history of the world.

Also, more and more people are realizing that Trump is a fraud and actually a pretty shitty investor. Here’s a comparison showing not only did he get crushed by a basic no brainer index fund, but he actually got beat handily even by real estate indexes. Forget stocks and bonds which puts Trumps investments to shame. Trump is below the 50% line even for real estate.

Throw a rock in New York and it’s better than 50/50 you’d hit a person that knows real estate better than Trump. Maybe this is why he doesn’t crack the top 10 or 20 lists for influential real estate developers even in New York City. How is this fraud still talking? He’s future Paris Hilton, nothing more. In fact, Paris is probably a lot nicer.

Unfortunately for Trump it’s so so much worse than this. His net worth was roughly 200 million in 1973. According to himself it was more, but he lied back then just like he does now.

If you multiply that money from 1973, it’s even more embarrassing. The guy is a horrendous investor.

nytimes.com/times-insider/20 … rump/?_r=0

The debate tonight was interesting. If it wasn’t for the narcissistic foul-mouthed douchebag xenophobe thing, Trump would actually be the type of Republican nominee that Europeans would prefer over the usual. He defended Planned Parenthood and national health care on a national stage. Everyone knows he doesn’t give a crap about religion and he’s way too Manhattanite to be a good advocate of the gun lobby.

He’s pretty much single-handedly destroyed the Tea Party. Notice how you don’t hear much about them anymore. Tea Party idols like Sarah Palin are now pushing propaganda for the first Republican presidential candidate I can remember to defend Planned Parenthood. And signs are Huckabee is going to join team Trump soon, too. Lol.

He’s the moderate Republican candidate lots of people were hoping for. Just a small hitch that his whole campaign is being fueled by angry white nationalists.

It is known:

Of course this kind of performance stuff is nice to look at in retrospective, but my guess is that very few folks having some nice property in 1985 (lets say 100kUSD) are now worth 15mil :slight_smile:

Thought you might have seen e.g. this one: golfdigest.com/story/donald- … ial-disclo
at least that one is credible. So surely he overstates his riches (like double), but how that would be apparent in tax returns… I dunno.

But didn’t he also say he would defund PP cuz 'bortions? (Never mind that no federal money going to PP goes to abortions in the first place)

So you’re questioning the actual commercial real estate index itself? You certainly get points for originality, I’ve never heard that one before. :thumbsup: I’m afraid you won’t get very far with that line of argument though. If a person were to have invested a few hundred million in “average” commercial real estate in New York city in 1985, 30 years later it would be worth 6 billion. That is a fact, not a guess. This is why true real estate moguls laugh at the suggestion that Trump is successful. How can you be successful and get clobbered by the average? :ponder:

I was referring to the S&P, sorry if it was unclear. Ment to say that Trump did not inherit 200mil in liquidity, hence I used 100k property value in the example. Just saying that noone would have sold off everything to put it in stock index. That Trumpster likes shiny objects at the expense of more profitable ones, i believe, he made abundantly clear. Seems true brokers laugh at everyone, too :smiley:


Surely investing in Casinos, wasting time on excessive branding (e.g. TRUMP steaks???) and whatnot, is just not too effective. Hell, we are talking 1985 here, so much money to be made across the globe. But Trumpeter indulges in wasting time on excessive self promotion and blablabla. If he would have been serious about money instead of shiny objects, the first thing to do would have been e.g. to go public with his “organization” or a spin-off, in lets say mid 90s or so, and capitalize huuge on the subsequent housing bubble (now yes even Trump must have seen that one coming), alas no, better sell freaking steaks, chicken, board games, waste time on apprentice, invest money in (low/negative return) trophy hobbies like golf courses…

You’re kind of missing the point. Trump absolutely did inherit 200 million in liquidity with respect to the real estate market. That’s exactly what happened. That’s how CEO’s of companys net worth is measured. You don’t really think Warren Buffett has 62 billion in cash do you? It’s almost entirely based on the value of his and the company he owns holdings. That’s exactly how Trump purchased all those real estate properties, by using the leverage in the company.

Now obviously nobody would sell the company and buy stocks, that’s not why the example is important. Nobody is suggesting that. The reason it’s important is because we have to measure his success against something else.

Warren Buffett is considered a very successful investor because he invested primarily in stocks and absolutely clobbered the stock indexes.

Trump invested primarily in real estate and got clobbered by the real estate indexes.

You see why using a benchmark to compare success is important? Otherwise, we’d just say anyone with X dollars is successful, including lottery winners and trust fund babies.

Huh? You realize that branding is Trumps primary business right? Saying that it’s inefficient and a waste of time is again exactly the point. This is exactly why he’s a fraud. Anytime he acts like a businessman, he fails miserably. The only thing he’s ever shown any success at all IS talking about himself and branding his name. You’re making my exact point for me…

Why Trump is popular:

Trump reminds me of Ronald Reagan back in 1976, or even Andrew Jackson back in 1824.

I just hope after this long drawn out campaign, in the end people see Trump for what he is. A totally incompetent trust fund baby who destroyed his fathers empire. If he just left it alone, he’d be 5 times richer.

washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co … 01731.html

Viva The Donald !