Look Right (望右) Street Markings Overkill Will Kill

Has anyone noticed the new street marking in Taipei? I predict this overkill attempt to help will actually hurt and maybe kill. Anyone crossing any road in Taiwan needs to look both directions, not one direction, where people drive any direction on any road in any vehicle at any time. down, up across, sideways, wrongways, this way, that way, the other way, backwards ways… I’ve seen two people get hit by cars this year by cars backing up in the street without looking. These pics are located on Xinyi Road.

Even more stupid, the sign should say “LOOK BOTH DIRECTIONS” especially on Xinyi Road, where THERE ARE BUSES GOING BOTH DIRECTIONS. HELLO, the traffic goes both directions on Xinyi road! And they have even been testing the driverless buses on Xinyi. Stupid.




A foreign prof was killed a year or two ago because he was confused about the flow of traffic on Xinyi road.

A drop of unnoticed caution in the middle of an ocean of dangerous waters.

How do they know why? Did he tell them before he died? Anyway, the traffic flows both directions on Xinyi road, which might have confused him because it appears to be a one-way road, and is even more confusing with these markings that say look right, when traffic also comes from the left, and vice versa.

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um yea he probably got killed because a typical taiwanese person drove in the normal way here and that guy didn’t get out the way successfully. i had a taxi bomb it towards me yesterday as i was crossing the road, rain makes being a pedestrian twice as deadly here. because the reduced visibility makes the drivers give even less fucks.

as for these street markings, i guess its just a face move to paper over the cracks instead of actually addressing the completely broken traffic system.

It was actually Ren ai road.
Same problem though.

Oh yeah. Renai is a one way street but they have bus lanes that run both ways. But not really Taiwan’s traffics fault. More like him not paying attention to walking in a new city environment. A bit hard to miss a giant bus coming.

All signs on Renai and Xinyi should say LOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE CROSSING.

These new look one direction markings just enhance the problem and would of similarly contributed to his death if he followed these markings.

He thought there was traffic only coming from one direction and was killed for it.

Do you really read signs when you walk around or just intuitively look both ways and understand the traffic? Besides the cross and don’t don’t cross sign, which I still ignore sometimes. I’ve never look at signs when I walk around anywhere. Not just in taiwan.

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I am constantly monitoring traffic when crossing the streets. I don’t assume anything here. Traffic can come from anywhere, any time here.

“he was struck by an oncoming bus, apparently because he was minding traffic to his left, but did not see the bus, which was coming down a bus lane to his right.”

so no mention of the fucking bus driver that mindlessly plowed into a guy who was crossing the road when it said cross then?

yea he died because he was a visitor and didn’t realise that you need to sprint across the crossing as if you were wildlife because the traffic will not stop for you.but theres nothing right about that. i’m sick of being treated like a deer or a badger. my opinion of mayor ko just went down a notch after reading that.

Are you sure the crossroads said go? I’ve never seen a bus driver run a red. In fact I’m pretty annoyed by how they stop pretty early on yellow.

i thought it would be a case of turning when the light is green. cars don’t give anyone any right of way when they do this and its dangerous as fuck especially for huge buses.

if the guy was crossing on red he must have been insane. its mad enough crossing on green. i don’t see why a visitor would have done that, but who knows, the article doesn’t specify.

No. It was on renai it said and they’re talking about it being a one way. I live and used to take the renai rd bus. So I know exactly what they’re talking about being a one way but having a bus lane in the middle go both ways. It’s pretty common in the US for people to ignore cross road signs if they don’t see a car. And many places don’t have one. You just cross looking if there’s no cars. I think he just thought it was ok looking one way or else they wouldn’t have made the bus running both ways on a one way road the focus. This is what I’m assuming. And no lawsuits. So I’m guessing it’s probably not the bus drivers fault. They had it on video if I read it correctly?

The are almost directly responsible for killing people by marking roads (Renai and Xinyi for example) as one-way, and telling people to look one-way, when in fact, the road is two-way both directions.

well if the guy was crossing on a red without looking in taiwan… he was pretty insane.

One should always look both ways. That’s what I was taught in traffic class.


In Taiwan it’s normal not to look anyway, just cross the road. :wink:

Jesus, I’ve seen 3,765 bus drivers run reds just this year alone. Buses always run orange changing red scenarios, because why wouldn’t you…who fucks with a speeding bus?