Marlboro cigarettes in Shanghai?

An arsonist should torch all tobacco factories & plantations.[/quote]


If it’s because of the health issue, then said arsonist should burn McDonalds down too, and Coke, and Kraft foods and…

You get the picture.[/quote]

If needs be,yes.But that’s a bit like saying you should NEVER drink alcohol.But let’s be real about this,smoking as a whole,is FAR more devastating than MCDonald’s,Kraft & Coke.Add to this the fact that none of the aforementioned smell quite so awful as cigarette smoke.[/quote]

Wanna bet?

Kids start eating junk food long before they would ever start smoking. Have you seen the rate of juvenile diabetes recently? Not to mention adult onset diabetes.

Smoking is a choice, and a poor one I admit, but eating shit is becoming second nature.

An arsonist should torch all tobacco factories & plantations.[/quote]


If it’s because of the health issue, then said arsonist should burn McDonalds down too, and Coke, and Kraft foods and…

You get the picture.[/quote]

If needs be,yes.But that’s a bit like saying you should NEVER drink alcohol.But let’s be real about this,smoking as a whole,is FAR more devastating than MCDonald’s,Kraft & Coke.Add to this the fact that none of the aforementioned smell quite so awful as cigarette smoke.[/quote]

Wanna bet?

Kids start eating junk food long before they would ever start smoking. Have you seen the rate of juvenile diabetes recently? Not to mention adult onset diabetes.

Smoking is a choice, and a poor one I admit, but eating shit is becoming second nature.[/quote]

I agree with you having said that kids start eating junk food long before they would ever start smoking,but it is up to their PARENTS to choose FOR their children also.So it IS a matter of choice.

I know of parents who educate their kids about not consuming junk food & others that don’t.In either case,it’s a question of choice.

Anyhow,I wish you well with your attempts to stop smoking.

I bet the Philippine imports are legit. If the Chinese were going to make fakes they’d be passing them off as the premium, made in the US, product.

FWIW, I used to smoke, quit seven years ago. I hate 2nd hand smoke more than most but I defend any adult’s right to smoke if they are aware of the risks and still want to do that.

Completely off topic of course, but it is always interested to note the vitriol of reformed alcoholics and ex-smokers.

Meanwhile in other news, eleventy billion people died of starvation in Africa/flooding in Bangladesh/war in the Middle East/their own stupidity…

I look forward to the new ultra-intolerant Europe where everything is banned. Coffee, tea, and alcohol are next. Then firearms, then swearing. Then gathering in large numbers to attend sporting events. Then beards. Then not having your ID card at all time.

So glad I am not back there.

Of course the only place in the UK where smoking will be totally allwoed in Westminster. Nor were the alcohol licensing laws ever applied there. Perish the thought! The legislators who are so concerned about the health of the nation are of course not going to destroy the convivial atmosphere of their own house by doing something as petty as banning smoking!

Poor old England. Lost its way since America took over. I do really feel sorry for them. How can such a proud nation of fighters and leaders turn into the sorry shower of self-obsessed responsibility shirkers they are now? “Mummy! The navy made me get in a boat and some nasty men pointed guns at me!”

These are fucking Royal Marine Commandos we are talking about here. Twenty-five years after teaching the Argies to knock before entering this is what is wearing the green beret? A friend of mine has been a Royal Marine since he left school more of less and I spoke to his elder brother (an RAF pilot who served in Iraq for years chucking cabbage crates) about two days ago and he said his brother was speechless and so was he. As someone who could possibly be shot down he said acting as a propaganda tool just makes it harder for those who come after you. And he finds it very hard to believe officers serving in the Gulf region were not given counter-interrogation training. Marines and RAF/Navy pilots are given it by default “in my day” he said, and regularly updated.

They might as well scrap the bloody British armed forces altogether. Boy scouts. And we owe the Yanks an apology for calling them knuckle-headed sissies who hide behind their oversupply of armaments and endless supply of bullets. No bloody USM would have obeyed an order to leave those men to the Iranians and no bloody USM officer would have given it. That was fucking lieutenants are for. To make decisions on the ground. And they decided to surrender to avoid certain death. The right decision at that point if you assume the Iranians would have embarked on a slaughtering match. But how and why were they in that position? Do you see how this bollocks in the media about fucking stories to the press has totally railroaded the real story of RN incompetence? Fucking Tony Blair. Right son, here’s your SA80 which doesn’t work anyway if there’s sand in the breech or it’s too hot, here’s your boots, here’s your crap radio so you can call in non-existent air cover from the RN frigate which sent you there in the first place, now off you bloody go my son and see for yourself.

See? I can do off-topic too.

Where’s the “Royal Navy Suck” thread anyway?

An arsonist should torch all tobacco factories & plantations.[/quote]


If it’s because of the health issue, then said arsonist should burn McDonalds down too, and Coke, and Kraft foods and…

You get the picture.[/quote]

If needs be,yes.But that’s a bit like saying you should NEVER drink alcohol.But let’s be real about this,smoking as a whole,is FAR more devastating than MCDonald’s,Kraft & Coke.Add to this the fact that none of the aforementioned smell quite so awful as cigarette smoke.[/quote]

Wanna bet?

Kids start eating junk food long before they would ever start smoking. Have you seen the rate of juvenile diabetes recently? Not to mention adult onset diabetes.

Smoking is a choice, and a poor one I admit, but eating shit is becoming second nature.[/quote]

I have never seen anyone do 40 cheeseburgers a day to manage their stress. Likewise, I can’t passively get cancer from being near someone eating a McDonalds.

An arsonist should torch all tobacco factories & plantations.[/quote]


If it’s because of the health issue, then said arsonist should burn McDonalds down too, and Coke, and Kraft foods and…

You get the picture.[/quote]

If needs be,yes.But that’s a bit like saying you should NEVER drink alcohol.But let’s be real about this,smoking as a whole,is FAR more devastating than MCDonald’s,Kraft & Coke.Add to this the fact that none of the aforementioned smell quite so awful as cigarette smoke.[/quote]

Wanna bet?

Kids start eating junk food long before they would ever start smoking. Have you seen the rate of juvenile diabetes recently? Not to mention adult onset diabetes.

Smoking is a choice, and a poor one I admit, but eating shit is becoming second nature.[/quote]

I have never seen anyone do 40 cheeseburgers a day to manage their stress. Likewise, I can’t passively get cancer from being near someone eating a McDonalds.[/quote]

Lon Chin…You ARE the funny one!!Hahaha!

I don’t recall Phillip Morris building huge colorful playgrounds for children either.

And it isn’t all about what YOU personally will get from hanging out in said playground, it is about the programming your children will offer no resistance to: that double salted fries, a fatty burger and a ten spoon sugar coke is not only good, but fun!

Joe Camel is dead, yet Ronald McDonald is quite alive, and he hangs with sports stars and celebrities, and clings to a vicious lie that the food they pimp is healthy.

Name one smoker who puffs for their physical health, or one new smoker who starts thinking it’ll be a hoot. I can’t. And to say that people don’t overindulge on junk food to manage their stress is nonsense. Maybe not 40 burgers, but how about 3-4 times their needed caloric intake per day? Not even to mention the sugar and salt content.

Both are equally bad in the very least. IMHO, the fast food is worse because the kids don’t know and the parents don’t care how damgerous it is.

Subtle hint: Health & Fitness forum

I don’t recall Phillip Morris building huge colorful playgrounds for children either.

And it isn’t all about what YOU personally will get from hanging out in said playground, it is about the programming your children will offer no resistance to: that double salted fries, a fatty burger and a ten spoon sugar coke is not only good, but fun!

Joe Camel is dead, yet Ronald McDonald is quite alive, and he hangs with sports stars and celebrities, and clings to a vicious lie that the food they pimp is healthy.

Name one smoker who puffs for their physical health, or one new smoker who starts thinking it’ll be a hoot. I can’t. And to say that people don’t overindulge on junk food to manage their stress is nonsense. Maybe not 40 burgers, but how about 3-4 times their needed caloric intake per day? Not even to mention the sugar and salt content.

Both are equally bad in the very least. IMHO, the fast food is worse because the kids don’t know and the parents don’t care how damgerous it is.[/quote]

Nice post. A point made and the point taken. :bravo:

Yes and can someone put mine in the Nails in Coffin of British Empire fourm?

Heh heh. Reminds me of the phrase ‘coffin nails’. :bravo: