Marriage visa worries please help!

Hi guys!

So, I have a question but let me explain my situation a bit first.

Boyfriend person got a job in Taiwan which is very cool. So, we decided to speed up the whole marriage thing so I could join him over there. I’m Mexican (he is an American), I’m not a member of the lucky nationals from the 6 countries that can just get a job teaching English. I have lurked enough around the forum to understand that finding a job teaching Spanish is hard at best if not impossible.

His employer is doing all the visa process for him but regarding mine we would be doing it by ourselves and to be fair we are sort of lost.

From what I gather he would have to get there first to get his ARC, his place of employment told us this takes about a month or maybe less. Then I get there with a translated marriage certificate, medical tests, some other documents and my visa gets done in around 3 days according to the LA embassy… The one in my country wasn’t very helpful.

Has anybody done this process before? Would you mind shedding some light into the whole thing? I’m a little scared that we might have not been getting the whole info…

Thanks a lot!


You can just follow to the instruction on the webpage of TECO in LA. As far as you prepare all the documents listed there, getting your spouse visa sponsored by your husband may not be difficult.

I did it. Once you have all the documents it is straight forward. If you husband is white collar - includes teachers - then you can just arrive on visa fee or tourist visa and convert to arc after he gets an arc.