Me against Pedigree

Don’t they pick up parasites from the raw meat?[/quote]

Obviously I can’t answer for Steeevieboy’s dogs - although they look gorgeous and healthy so maybe you can see for yourself! - but I’ve read (on many BARF sites, admittedly) that a dog’s stomach can cope with the kind of parasites you may or may not find in meat processed for human consumption, even if it’s fed to them raw. If you feed your dog game or other wild animals (there’s a Canadian BARF site that swears by moose and roadkill!), that’s when you have to be concerned about parasites.

I started mine off on BARF as soon as I got them as tiny pups from their street dog mothers (with a little milk and tinned stuff just in case), and had them on it for a year no problem, although my Taiwanese vet thought I was mad. I’ve had to take them off a strict BARF diet since as one started to refuse the veggies and became extremely constipated - imagine trying to pass ground up bones without lubrication! :astonished:

The great thing about BARF (especially living in limited space in Taiwan) is that everything comes out solid and doesn’t smell. The other thing is that the dogs teeth stay gleaming white. I still give mine raw chicken wings (excellent bone to meat ratio), necks and pork rib bones as a treat and to keep their teeth clean, as well as tinned/dry commercial food and just about everything we eat that isn’t too salty, including chicken’s feet (well, they’re Taiwanese dogs!) lots of partly-boiled vegetables and one even eats fruit!

It’s VERY easy to avoid feeding your dog ANY commercial food if you just keep the salt out and supplement with vitamins if you’re worried. Both my boyfriend and I put more thought into preparing our dog’s food than when we cook for each other - but that’s ANOTHER issue… :wink: