Mosquitoes and Mosquito Mysteries

We finally gave in and used the plug-ins with the little bottles of noxious liquid. They worked very well for killing mosquitos, and the poison (tic) didn’t affect (drool) us at all.

I often wonder whay I don’t have many mosquitos. Yes, I get a bite once in a while, but I still never have more than 4 in my house.

I’ve never tried the tennis raquet thingy. I used the plug in wall things for a while but I found i had strange dreams. I have no idea what those things are, but they work wonders for mosquitos. I think they emit a scent thay blocks out our bodies carbon dioxide emmitions. I read somewhere that mosquitos love carbon dioxide.

I live in a Taiwanese Penthouse…

ok, it’s not really a penthouse hehe, it’s a roof top addition dealio… I think they call them “ding lo” here…

I have the entire rooftop to myself… nice view too… and I love the place…

BUT… it’s mosquito hell up here…

I have a park just below me… surrounded by trees… stagnant water everywhere… a huge soccer field just around the corner…

I’ve got an elevator shaft / vent just outside my window… along with two other shaft / vents… mosquitos love these fuggin shafts…

So I keep light zappers just outside each shaft vent… It sounds like chinese new years sometimes with all the zapping n’ all…

for me tho… getting rid of the mosquitos here is a mission impossible…

with the exception of burning my place down to the ground… I’ve tried everything else…and out of all of them… fan’s seem to work best…

I’ve got one of those industrial fans that you see on the bathroom floors in public places…

works great… I can now simulate a mini typhoon in here… and blow those little suckers to oblivion… :slight_smile:

I can’t use coils or the liquid plug-ins because they irritate my asthma (and I had freaky nightmares when I plugged those liquid things in). I use a fan or turn my air con to osillate the air and the racket to catch them if it’s too cold for fans or air conditioning. The cat and the kitten catch the rest when they fly low enough.

I use the old sleeper in the hand method with full light on before going to bed… my bedroom walls will need a repainting from so many spots on them. Sometimes, and considering my room is pretty much all closed up, I can get 5 or 6 before going to bed. Although I don’t have a problem with bites (can’t feel them, can’t see them, even the apitoxin is not efective on me) my fiancee is highly sensitive. :noway:

It’s driving me crazy! I’ve been living in my apartment now for 4 months, and everyday I have been consistency killing 4 mosquitoes a day (only the ones i can catch), and waking up with mosquito bites on my shoulders, neck, feet, and ears! I must say that hearing buzzing noise right by your ear in the middle of the night is the biggest piss off ever.

I have no idea where these little f*k’ers are coming from. I’ve checked the windows and front door and they are sealed. Even if there were cracks I can’t imagine them “crawling” in. I’ve resorted to a mosquito net over my bed, but when i’m on the computer or watching tv i’m dinner.

My only conclusion is that they’re coming from the bathroom drains. Is this possible?? I’m on the 5th floor…or am I just going crazy…

Keep a fan on you; mossies can’t cope with even mildly turbulent air, which is why you don’t get bitten when sitting in even a mild breeze.

Yup the bane of summertime. SKEETERS. Gonna have em all summer long. Keep that fan on you at all times . Keep an electric skeeter killer in the house (it works) and also spray on some skeeter repellent (if you dont have any animals).

Those little blue disk dealies that you heat up a the outlet work, too, but may give you cancer. The fan does work, and you’ll need it in the summer heat anyway. I’d also go up onto the roof and see if there is standing water there, old buckets or flower pots, or whatever and dump it. Do that every time it rains. The Taiwanese bloodsuckers nearly ate me alive until I learned to cope. The electric mosquito rackets become a sort of vendictive therapy after a while.

Eat more garlic.

Yes, I think they do enter through the drains, but I suspect they can squeeze through smaller spaces than one would expect and, I’m no entomologist but I wouldn’t be surprised if one can lay a lot of eggs in the apartment that will later come out to torment you.

I’m surprised you’ve had them for a few months. For us they were absent during the cold weather and have just reappeared in the past few weeks. oh joy.

Those plug-in things (with a bottle of poison screwed in on the bottom) smell terrible, but they work really well. And of course you should get yourself an electric tennis racket thingy.

Seal those cracks again, with tape or expanding foam. Try rubber strips for under doors.
Buy a UV skeeter zapper (or two) for $600 at RTMart or similar stores (looks like a birdcage, with tall UV fluorescent tubes in the center, surrounded by wire rods).
Put some skeeter spray or oil atop the water in the toilet tanks.
Cover the drains with pieces of nylon window screen, then weight this down with large stainless steel rings.
Cover the exhaust outlet for your stove’s hood with screen and secure it.
Check not only your building’s roof for water in containers and basins under plants, but the balconies and roofs of adjacent buildings, and walk the neighborhood looking for stagnant water. Talk to your neighbors about this too.
Arm yourself with skeeter bats and have at. Buy one for every room.
Don’t clean out the cobwebs. Spiders catch skeeters.
Get a bottle of ammonia and dab it on the bites immediately. It works.

The range hood over the stove is a possible entry, so is the ventilation machine in the bathroom. But the biggest possibility is your front door, even if it’s sealed. They usually lie in wait on or around the front door, and once it’s open, even for a few seconds, they’ll seize the chance to get into the apartment. They can also take a free ride by attaching themselves onto you (your jacket, hair, etc.) as you come in from the outside. Also check the basement of your building and see if there’s any standing water down there.

Dude just eat a crap load of garlic and/or onoins, that’s probably the most effective way to stop them from bothering you. And if your the only live thing there, they probably won’t stay in there room if you’ve eaten garlic or onions. Just snack on either of em, eat one serving in the morning and one at night. Isnt there some candy with garlic in it?

So, the mosquitoes have to crawl under the porcelain lid, and lay eggs on top of the water?
The water that is flushed through the toilet anyway?


Fan on you? Misconception … they can easily land on your skin, feed … but than they are too heavy to take off …

They’ll sit and wait on your door until you open it and they’re in … dark corners, dark surfaces, under ledges … they are there, you just don’t see them … behind closets, under your bed, sofa, couch … they’re there you just don’t see them …

They can read. They’re reading this right now. You’re fucked.

Floor drains are a common source of mosquito entry. Use hot water, then pour bleach in behind. Will kill anything down there. Then seal off any that you aren’t using.

Keep the electric zapper next to your bed. 90% of the time they’ll be resting on the wall just above your head. Aim, zap…sleep.

I’ve got one of those electric zappers with a light. Very useful.

Geez, just reading this thread has got me paranoid and edgy. I hate the little bastards. When you’re sleeping and they swoop right into your ear…and then you end up slapping yourself…not fun.

So, the mosquitoes have to crawl under the porcelain lid, and lay eggs on top of the water?
The water that is flushed through the toilet anyway?


you’d be amazed at how much troubles mosquitos go through just to catch a glimpse of DB’s ass :smiley: