Newbie FAQ

Q: How do I add an image to a post?

A: To post an image, you need to find it on the web or upload it to the web first, for example via or Flickr (which are free). You’ll then copy and paste the uploaded pic’s web address (URL) into your Forumosa post, highlight the pasted URL, and click the “Img” button below the Subject line window (2nd from right). This should bracket your pic’s address in , like bookends. If that fails, you may instead type these bookends manually.

IMPORTANT NOTES: 1) Pornographic and sexually explicit pictures, including cartoons, are strictly prohibited on Forumosa, and are cause for banning. 2) Please exercise caution when posting pictures, as other viewers may open the page at work or in the presence of sensitive company. Be sure to use obvious NSFW (not safe for work) labels and/or emoticons, including in the subject line if appropriate, when posting such material. 3) Please do not post overly wide pictures, as these disrupt the text on the page, forcing subsequent readers to use the horizontal scroll bar when reading each line of text in other posts on the page. Overly wide pictures may be removed at the moderators’ discretion.