On Two Theories of Marriage

Huh. I had OP pegged as a Taiwanese person with excellent English or an ABC. No idea why, but that’s just my mental conception of him.

There should be separation between Church and State. The clerk who is in jail in the USA for refusing to grant marriage license to same sex couples refused to function in her capacity as a State employee, citing her religious beliefs. This is wrong. Keep Church and State separate.

Jesus said give to Caesar what is Caesar’s.

And individual should be allowed equal rights as another individual , including the right to marry a person he/she wishes to. This is now the law in the U.S.

AS to whether a particular Church (of any religion) will marry a gay couple is up to the Church. They should not be compelled to marry gay couple if their religion is against gay marriage.

Separation of Church and STate.


That’s kind of creepy. Have you seen the dog who looks like Putin?

Or all the strange furry creatures that look like Trump?

Before all the plays exhaust the players one must get back to basics.

  1. We are human. Be we male or female or unsure. Be we black, white, yellow or blue. Be we old or young.

  2. As a human we are entitled to basic human rights.

  3. These rights include the right to the pursuit of happiness (in a legal manner and without infringing upon the basic rights of others), to food, to shelter, to seeking companionship.

  4. Humans require companionship, and form bonds of various nature with other humans. Some bonds are sexual in nature and may be not be the “norm”. But since an estimated 10 pct of the population of the humans on the planet may have a sexual inclination towards the same sex. It is not that abnormal in terms of numbers.

  5. Marriage is a bond of companionship And could be a social mechanism to legally fulfill sexual need and desire. The lack of sex WITH each other, often leads to sex with OTHER people, which often leads to the dissolution of the marriage.

  6. Marriage between two humans should be allowed. Be they of the same sex or not, be they of the same age or not, be they of the same color or not. It is a union of two people (not three , not four) who should have chosen the union of their own accord. Whether they should enjoy special privilege as a union of two people is subject to interpretation.

  7. Marriage should be between two people who wish to live with each other. It should be a mechanism for two people to work WITH each other and not work AGAINST each other. Not a mechanism to CAUSE unhappiness between the two but instead one to CREATE happiness for the two.

  8. Because fairly tale endings are not always the case. An unhappy, unworkable legal marriage union should be allowed to be dissolved if both parties agree. A judge may be needed to part out the various pieces of the union. But if both parties are agreed to the dissolution, it should be easy (like it is in Taiwan). If it was easy to get married, it should be equally easy to get out of it. Provided that both parties agree and the dissolution of the union and the properties if any are equitably distributed. Kids are taken care of financially between the two parties in an equitable fashion etc.

Possibly a marriage involving kids should be looked at more carefully as to what each’s responsibility should still entail. Marraiges involving only property and other physical assets should be easier to dissolve.

The dissolution of a marriage should be an equitable arrangement.

  1. There should be a disconnection between Church and State. The State should allow two people to marry, whether they be of the same sex or not, same age or not, same color or not.

The Church may have other thoughts. IF the Church does not agree to the marriage , the persons should NOT seek to marry in that Church. They should marry in a State institution, like a Court.

So what are we talking about again? Does marriage actually make sense? And why does it make sense?
And what happens when it stops making sense? What change to the legal aspects and protection should there be , if any , when two becomes one, and when one becomes two again?