Opinions on which of these locations in Taipei is best for a young family?

It’s the first time I’ve ever seen it mentioned in a thread like this…I actually don’t even know why I’m responding to you.

Search away on the site…Tonnes of times it’s been mentioned over the years.

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Or like three, from around 2006

Having studied in that area…mmm. Living there, let’s just say transportation is “complicated”. We go back to the issues of “convenience” and “community”. It depends on the area. Muzha by the Wangfang Hospital is not the same as Muzha by NCCU. It is up to you to consider if hiking uphill 15 minutes a day with a gallon of water and a load of veggies is attainable. If you do it by bike you are my hero.

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I found more recent ones too. Its a new discovery every couple of years but as college districts go it’s not that great either.

Thanks for reminding me about this! I recall that I’ve seen that before but still no explanation of how to calculate the actual ping. Odd that they include this extra space, why not just list the actual space so everyone is apples to apples? It includes the balcony, stairs (if multilevel), and entry hall correct? Is there any ratio used by locals to approximate the actual space, like an average % reduction off the quoted number of ping? Or is it totally random per unit/building?

Since the common space is not the same across buildings, it’s safe to say you cannot use a fixed number.