Options for alcoholic/drug addiction treatment for foreigners in Taiwan

Yup, and will look like someone on cocaine as both are stimulants

I think it was invented by the Nazis. Enabled their troops to get through the Ardennes so quickly.

Or wasnā€™t it the Japanese

I looked it up and was a Romanian in 1893.

Half life up to 30 hours. I guess itā€™s possible.

I was feeling fine ish but blood pressure seemed to go up and the the highe energy would kick in. Tried to so some aerobic to calm it down. Same thing this morning when felt the restlessness like I had to move aroundā€¦

Which doctor would you suggest ? Is this er or such ?

Did you find you were talking in a rush?

Slightly I believe so. Itā€™s hard to gauge because I canā€™t remember how much talking I was doing after the episodeā€¦

There have been multiple cases of people getting drugged with date rape drugs in Taipei. Stay out of the backwaters. Then again the dude who was caught drugging his victims and filming them mostly did that at nightclubs?

Are you sure you didnā€™t just have some botched homemade absinthe?

Iā€™m not sure exactly, but one who specializes in mental health. Perhaps someone here can give more specific advice regarding this?

Ask one of your friends who was with you: ā€œWas I talking crap, repeating myself, telling everyone how brilliant I am, and boring the hell out of everyone?ā€. If the answer is yes, then you were on cocaine.

Seriously, are you taking any new prescription drugs at the moment? You say this event happened abroad, perhaps anti-malarial tablets?

Go to a big public hospital, get checked out thoroughly , ask them to run a toxicology screen. They are there to help you.

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according to some i was with, i was talking somewhat rapidly, speaking nonstop and also sweating horribly.

no prescription drugs though.

i also hit up renā€™ai recently and they said everything was either normal or borderlineā€¦though for a real screening seems like taipei GVH is the place to go.

ATM symptoms seem better but it just keeps going up and down from ā€œoh I think Iā€™m OKā€ to ā€œI need to move nonstop!ā€ without being able to concentrate.

Depending on how the morning goes, will consider checking out taipei GVH dep. of toxicology : \

Thank you for all input and advice as well - itā€™s nice knowing thereā€™s support out there, even from people Iā€™ve not had the chance to meet yet